la da dee/trouble

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Edd p.o.v
Today is prom I want Matt to ask me to the dance but he only likes girls from what I know "hey edd what up" I turn around to see tom and tord arms connected like the couple they are "on nothing its just I wish ma-" "hey guys what going on" I was interrupted by Matt I jumped 6 feet in the air "umm what happened to edd?" Matt said I could tell that he was worried "well edd is so jumpy because he was taking about his crush which is yo-" "TORD IF YOU DONT STOP IM BURNING TOM IN FRONT OF YOUR VERY OWN EYES" I said as soon as I said that he shut up and held tom more closer to him "its ok baby he won't do that to m-" " BUT WHAT IF HE DOSE" tord was freaking out while Matt was laughing his cute gorgeous ... Hansome...laugh "-d?" "-dd?" "EDD" "HUH what" I looked away to see tom and tord laughing "hey anyone going to the dance" tom and tord stop laughing and said me at the same time " I swear you two are such a couple but anyways I'm going what about you Matt?" I turned around to face Matt " lots of pretty girls ask me to go to the dance with them but I want to go with you edd" my face heated up and I can hear tom and tord giggling behind me "y..yeah we can go t..together" and as soon as I said that I swear I heard him say yes under his breath "I'll pick you up then ok" "o..ok" then we all went to class

(Time skip made by my Wifu)

Its the end of the school day tom is coming over to my house while tords going over to Matt's house "are you excited to see your hunny booboo" I can feel my face fill up with blush "w..where not a thing ....yet" tom looked at me surprised "OOOOOOOOOOOOO I HEARD THAT" I starded to chase him to my house

(Another time skip made by my laziness)

We were waiting for Matt and tord to get hear on my front porch tom was wearing a navy blue tux and I was wearing a green tux then we see Matt and tord,tord was wearing a red tux and Matt was wering a purple tux with the green flower hanging from the pocket of his top of the tux.we got in the car and drove to prom

(Another time skip because I have no ideas)

It was an hour in the dance when I heard the dj say "ok everyone we have someone up hear to sing for you" we all surrounded the stage to see ... Matt? He starts looking at me and says "There's no way to say this song's about someone else
Every time you're not in my arms
I start to lose myself
Someone please pass me my shades
Don't let 'em see me down
You have taken over my days
So tonight I'm going out" he hoped off the stage and walked towards me "Yet I'm feeling like
There is no better place than right by your side
I had a little taste
And I'll only spoil the party anyway
'Cause all the girls are looking fine
But you're the only one on my mind" he grabbed me and pulled me onto the stage with him "La da dee
La da dee doo
La da da me
La da da you
La da dee
La da dee doo
There's only me
There's only you
La da dee
La da dee doo
La da da me
La da da you
La da dee
La da dee doo
When you were gone I think of you" I started to blush a little "All these places packed with people
But your face is all I see
And the music's way too loud
But your voice won't let me be
So many pretty girls around
They're just dressing to impress
But the thought of you alone has got me spun
And I don't know what to say next" he pick me up bridle style and spins me around a little "Yet I'm feeling like
There is no better place than right by your side
I had a little taste
And I'll only spoil the party anyway
'Cause all the girls are looking fine
But you're the only one on my mind" he puts me down and I turn around to see all the kids in my school cheering "La da dee
La da dee doo
La da da me
La da da you
La da dee
La da dee doo
There's only me
There's only you
La da dee
La da dee doo
La da da me
La da da you
La da dee
La da dee doo
When you were gone I think of you
When you were gone I think of you" I turn back around to see Matt dancing "I pretend the night is so beautiful
Take a photo with the bros
La da dee
La da da doo
They won't see through my disguise
Right here behind my eyes
Replaying in my mind
La de da" he comes up to me really close to my face, grabs my hand and while the music is still playing he says "edd will you do the honer of being my boyfriend" I looked at him blushing more than ever and say "yes!" The rest of the music plays and we get off the stage to see tom crying "tom what's wrong " he looked up at me and said "I..its tord I can't find him a..anywhere " right on cue we hear another song but this time its from tord

"I'm in trouble I'm an addict
I'm addicted to this boy
he's got my heart tied in a knot
And my stomach in a whirl
But even worse I can't stop calling him he's all I want and more
I mean damn,
What's not to adore

I've been playing to much guitar
I, I've been listening to jazz
I called so many times
I swear he's going mad
And that cellular-er will be the death of us
I swear, I swear

And oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oooh oooh oooh

I'm running my mouth just like I got him
But I surely don't
Because she's so-o-o-o-o-o-o
Rock and roll!
And out of my league
Is he out of my league?
Let's hope not"

Tord grabs tom arm to bring him on the stage

"I'm in trouble
I'm so cliche
See that word just wares me out
Makes me feel like just another boy
To laugh and joke about
But even worse I can't stop calling him
I love to hear that voice
And honestly, I'm left with no choice

I've been playing to much guitar
I, I've been listening to jazz
I called so many times
I swear he's going mad
And that cellular-er will be the death of us
I swear, I swear

And oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oooh oooh oooh

I'm running my mouth just like I got him
But I surely don't
Because he's so-o-o-o-o-o-o
Rock and roll!
And out of my league
Is he out of my league?
Let's hope not"

tom look into tords eyes while tord gets on one knee and ask " tom will you be mine forever and always and marry me" we can see tom crying and screaming yes over and over its so cute

The end

Wow that was fun well I'm going to cry now and eat Pringles because I'm a single pringle but until the next chapter PEACE OUT YO

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