what the future holds

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Matt p.o.v
It's been  year sence the accident of tord and Tom one minute they were at eachothers throght the next they were finally married then as soon as that happens i get news from edd saying he's having my child and Tom is having Tords then I blink to see two small children in baskets with each other I was bringing torm and medd to edd when I get a call from Tom saying that edd can't live in a world without cola so he's going to kill his past self to save him from the future I ran to the science lab and put the children in a nice place from getting hurt I grab the time traveling device and go into the past...
(After wtfuture)
We got edd back into our time line to only see that the kids were GONE! " MATT WERE ARE THE BABIES" Tom says while having a panic attack "don't worry Tod there in there" I point to the place were the kids were "oh thank God ok let's g-"I cut him off by my curiosity "ooooo a button" I press the button and hear edd and Tom scream we were greated by a light then darkness...
(Torms p.o.v)
Uncle Matt put me and medd in this machine then he left for while then came back to press the red button then I hear mama and uncle edd screaming just to see a house right in front of me and medd. mama uncle edd and uncle Matt were right in front of us medd started to cry and I tried to calm him down "rolig ned medd det er ok, se det er bare mor og onkel edd og Matt" "calm down medd it's ok see it's just mom and uncle edd and Matt" I said with a smile but when I looked away from medd I saw a surprised mom "mamma" I put out my arms for him to hold me but he didn't "Mor, kan du holde meg?" " mom can you hold me" he started to back away but then behind him I see " Pappa" I said happily then dad looked at me weird "pappa hva er galt med mamma" "dad what's wrong with mom" he came down to my level ,turn to uncle edd and Matt and said "don't worry I know what he's saying let me see how he got hear Unnskyld meg, men du vet hvor familien din er" "excuse me but do you know were your family is" I look into his eyes and say "dum pappa, du er he" "stupid dad your right here" he looked at me surprised then plastered a smerk on his face "virkelig hvem er din mor" "really who's your mom" I pointed to mom and said "han er" "he is" I stood there with his eye wide open "tord what did he say?"dad just stood there and then fell but when he fell his face was really red
(Past toms p.o.v)
When the kid pointed to me and said "han er" tord fell over with his face was all red "what did you do to tord kid!" I yelled at him but then he starded crying "Beklager, jeg vet ikke hva jeg gjorde, men jeg beklager" "I'm sorry I do not know what I did but I'm sorry" then I got mad "SPEAK ENGLISH KID!" He started to cry more "I..I sawwri" I stop yelling and said "Uggg the kid can't even talk right" then I felt a slap on my face "don't talk to my kid like that"  I heard tord say in a scary tone that sent chills down my spine "t..tord I'm s..sorry" I gave me a bad look and said "yeah whatever" tord grabbed the kid and went inside I stood there while edd,Matt and the kid that looks like the both of them mix together followed tord it took me awhile to prosses what just happened but I got over it and went inside to see the kid and tord talking in tords native language"Jeg beklager hva moren sa at han ikke betyr at" "I'm sorry for what your mom said he didn't mean that" the kid looked up to tord and said "det er greit" "it is ok" then tord ask the kid "hva heter du" "what's your name" the kid looked down and said "torm...Torm Thompson larrson you made me dada in the science lab" wait did he say .... "Thompson?" I accidentally said out loud witch scaird tord and torm. "T..Thomas what are you doing here" he said stuttering witch made me know that he was lying about something "tord what are you hiding from m-" "MEDD Hvor er han, jeg trenger min kjærlighet " "MEDD WERE IS HE I NEED MY LOVE" tord looked back at torn and said "he's with Matt and edd do you want to see him?" Torm stands up "Ja takk" "yes please" and they walked away to see the other kid but when torm left I grabbed tords arm and said "I know your bidding something ... Tell me what it is NOW" when I said now my eyes change from black to a very dark pink "ok you see torm is mine and you-" "BOOM GIVE US TORM AND MEDD NOW OR ELSE YOU'LL FACE THE RATH OF RED AND BLUE LEADER" tord was interrupted by this a lady yelling pointing her gun towards us tord stood up scaring the lady "what do you want with them" she quickly put her gun down and bowed down "red leader I'm sorry for intruding but we need the children for your future self" as soon as she says that we see to other figures right behind her "That's enough candy" she got up "yes sir ill leave them to you and red" then she walked away while a older version of me and tord walk in " sorry for intruding but we need medd and torm to come back home" just on cue torm and medd ran in the room and saw future me and tord "PAPA" torm ran up to future tord and hugged him but when future me tried to hug him he said " NO YOU SAID I CANT TALK RIGHT" I can see I was hurt they walked away but before future me left I ask him "what was tord hiding from us" he looks down for a second to grab a memory eraser gun and points it towards me and tord. "He was hiding his undying love for us" right as the beam was going to his on his finger it says "I belong to tord" then the light hit me and tord ...

The end

Holy lonely pony eating macaroni I just typed in 1176 words in this chapter that's awesome and what's better is that WE GOT 901 VEIWS ON THIS BOOK YAY but like always ill see y'all in the next chapter until then PEACE OUT MY PEEPS
P.s Rwar XD

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