tom x tord┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴

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Nobody's p.o.v
It was that time
That time where tom liked himself in his room for weeks
That time when everything smells like chocolate and coffee beans...

The time tom was in his heat...

Toms p.o.v
Most of the time I just lock myself in my room until my heat is over but seance tord moved back in things were difficult between me and tord I liked tord but i was to scaird to tell him until last week of what happened
I was just playing on Susan practicing some new songs I got when I smelled coffee and chocolate 'oh no' I thought to my self but at the same time I smelled something else ... "Strawberrys? No...wait..." I sniff in the air again but this time I got scaird "o shi-" I was cut off by someone at the door,"tommy~" it was tord " tommy if you let me in we can talk about what's going on I can help you~" at first I was going to say no but my body moved towards the door and opened it "tordy~" I jumped into him making him fall over into my room we were both on the floor when he starded licking my neck until he found mt sweet spot I help in my moan but tord said "aww hiding your pretty moans from me" he said he hit my crotch making me let out the moan "what a good boy~" he starded to abuse that spot until I dicided to grab his face and kiss him he was shocked at first until he realize it was just me so he kissed back he bit my bitten lip asking to enter i accept and let him explore my mouth but he stoped I starded to whine sayng "TORD~" he just sat there watching me suffer "what do you say to me?" I looked at him mad "TORD~ PLEASE~ I NEED THIS ~" tord smerkd at me then starded pulling my pants down with my boxers then he slowly took his off making me enjoy every moment then he starded grinding on me I was getting pissed off "TORD JUST FUCK ME ALREADY, FUCK ME TILL WE PASS OUT, FUCK ME TILL I CANT WALK FOR MONTHS" he looked at me with the most stupidest smerk ever I intently regretted saying that "ok if you say so" he closed the door and pushed me agents the wall then he insert his merber into me, I let out a soft moan then he let me get use to his size which was BIG I didn't take me to long to finally get use to it I gave him a signal to go and he starded to thrust into me slowly "mhhh~ tord~ faster~" he did as I said going fast then he hit a spot that sent shivers down my spine "TOAAARD~ RIGHT THERE DO IT AGAIN~" He did it over and over punding into me really hard making me a moaning mess until he said "t..Tom I'm gonna cu-" tord was cut of by him comming inside of me I smiled and said "it's ok I don't mind having your babies" we both layed down on my bed and fell asleep in each others arms
now hear we are a week later I'm in the bathroom with tord he's holding me in his arms and saying "everything is alright, its ok, I'll be hear for you" in the corner of my eye I see a pregnancy test on the floor it says 'positive' on it "well looks like you'll be a dad" I smiled he smiled back and said "you'll be a great mother and ya know what" he looked into my eyes and I said "what?" I giggled out "I love you so much" I was happy that he loved me "I love you two tord" then we kissed we got up but i fell over because i coulnt walk right still so he carried me down the stairs to see edd and matt on the couch together watching tv me and tord stood in front of the tv making edd and matt jump because they saw me and tord holding hands "we need to tell you something" end and matt looked at us confused until I said "IM PREGNANT WITH TORDS BABY'S" that mad edd and matt flip out saying 'I called it' or 'took you guys long enough' me and tord exchange a look and laughed man i love that boy....

And he loves me...

HOLY SHIT ARE YALL SOME MAGICAL WIZARDS OR SOMETHING FIRST 450 VIEWS THEN MY CRUSH MESSAGES ME AND NOW 500 VIEWS DAMEEEEEEEEEE by anyways this is my first time writhing smut so yeah if you want more then just say so ima go eat some pizza now BYEEEEEEE
-reina ❤

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