sweeter than you

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Toms p.o.v

I took out Susan to play a song that I've been practicing for awhile
Every time I try to play it someone always comes in my room and inturups me and I stop but now that edd and Matt are gone on a trip and tord is out buying henti I can finally do it ,I took out Susan and starded my music so loud I didn't even hear the door down stairs open

Tords p.o.v
I got out of the mall with lots of new henti but when opens the door I was greeted with music it was heart warming then I heard tom say " I could never be loved by anyone sweeter than you." I slowly starded going up the stairs and starded to record on my phone "And I could never belong to anyone sweeter than you." I walk towards his door "With you to stand beside me I'll never be alone And what more could I long for than to have you for my own." I stoped to hear more " My only desire is loving you eternally
For no, no other love could ever mean so much to me, So if you say you love me forever I'll be true And what more could I long for than to live my life (with you)" apart of me wanted to barg in and laugh at him but the other side of me wander to forever listen to him "I could never be loved by anyone sweeter than you And I could never belong to anyone (sweeter than you)" I didnt realize that he finish until the door opened and me falling on top of him "I never new you liked my music"
He said I got so nervous that I just kissed him at first he was surprised but then gave in...
Narrators p.o.v
Many years later they got married and had that song played at their wedding but dont worry you never know what will happen next

                         THE END

Ok I know I could have done better but still it was the least I could do

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