a yanderes love (tomtord)

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Tord p.o.v
Finally I have it the thing I've been craving for

My Tommy
There he was trapped in my basement strapped to a chair sleeping 'how cute̵̢͘'
I thought to my self as I watch him sleep "ugh wha were am i?" I hear Tommy wake up "your finally awake my love" he looked at me with concern "lo͞v̴e? What are you talking about i don't have a lover?" I chuckled "Not yet..." he looked at me confused "what do you mean" I grabbed his arm and said " I know how to get rid of your problem, every time you talk to some girl or boy they dissapeard right?" He looked up to me our lips so close I yearn to kiss him but I have to wait . "Yeah how are you going to stop it you might dissapear too" I starded to giggle "oh love your so silly thinking that I'll dissapear trust me I won't and I'll make sure you don't either as long as you keep your end of the bargain" I tell him with a smirk "fine what end of the bargain do I have to hold up?" I moved so close to him our nooses were touching "marry me..." his face turnd bright red "wha wha- YOU HEARD ME MARRY ME OR YOU'LL END UP WITH THEM" I ended up scarring making him fall out the chair "what do you mean with them ?"  I quickly shut my mouth with my hand"n..nothing" he looked at me again with a scaird face "do you know we're they went?" I took my hands of my mouth and put a hand under his chin "how silly are you I'm offering you protection but you just want to know we're your class mats are at honestly if I were you I'd take the opportunity so what's your choice marry me or let them take me too?" He sat there hesitating "oh well ill just go with them then" i heard Tommy get up "WAIT TORD" him saying my name wanted me to kiss him so badly "you know even if you were the last person on earth I'd still date you so yes I will marry you" he walked up to me and kissed me I never felt so happier with him than ever I pulled away the  looked into his eyes his dark...loving...eyes... "let us get married tomorrow then shall we?" He looked back at me "of course love..."

{♡6 years later♡}
Tom's p.o.v
I enjoy the time I have with tord we have a beautiful child named tamari but the thing is... she dosnt have any emotions it's weird but I didn't question it I was happy with everything until yesterday I was cleaning he basement it always smelled weird like a dead corps  tord would always tell me not to clean it but the smell got upstairs so I decided to clean it anyways but while I was cleaning I found a hole in the wall it looked like there was something there I open the hole more to reveal my old classmate   some were tied up and some hung upside down one was In a chair and another was wearing a heart necklace I opend it to see a picture of me and my old friend "TORI ?!?!?!" I felt my self start to cry "what are you doing in hear love?" I quickly turn around to see tord in our old school outfit "b..babe I was just cleaning out the basement to surprise you but then i saw this ... we should report this to them instantly" I try to run up stairs but tord grabs my hand " how do we know they won't accuse us for this what if they think we're the killers of this murder? Come on love we don't need that type of stuff in our lives" He's right what if they do think it's us who did this "ok..." we walk back up stairs but tord gose into our room and comes back out with the baby " I'm sorry love" I look at him confused "sorry for what?" He turnd his head to face me and he has a gun "you will forget that you ever saw my master piece or else you'll have to pay the consequences" I backed up "w..wait so you killed them all of them" he laughed like a maniac "and also the reason why our baby can't show emotions is because she needs to find someone to love her and she will do anything to do so just like mommy"  I looked at him with wide eyes "YOUR  i̶nsa̴ne" he laughed even more "it took you 6 years to figure that out" he grinned "you have 5 seconds to forget any of this ever happened or else I'll shoot you" I was just about to call the cops but then again they won't do anything "yes dear" he puts the gun down "good now let's go" I got confused "we're are we going?" He chuckled " we're going to America ..." he walked to the car "why love?" Tord put tamari in her car seat "did you really think I killed them all, the remaining survivor's moved to America and know to much, now are you coming or not" I felt like I had no choice in the matter " of course I'm going love anything for you" we got in the car we drove half way across town I never realized how dark it was but then he stoped on a hill " what are we doing up hear tord" "I can see his sanity bend Far away distantly, locked in my memories, I came upon a collar
"It's people I need", "oh, it's people I need"
Oh, this is what the cursed collar did scream

Please don't be mad at me
Please don't abandon me
Please never say you won't stay

Tord pulled out this black collar that says 'love me' on it

"Put it around your neck, until your stomach's upset
Your vision blurs and you'll see friends no more
Lovely results, don't you agree?
Hey, hey! Lovely just like me?
Aren't I the cutest of all?"

He puts the collar over my neck

"Hey, hey! I'm good, aren't I?
If you say no, I'll cry!"

I fall out the car while he gets closer to me

"Love me, I beg
Love me, I beg
Love me, I beg!
More and more

Please love me, I beg
Love me, I beg!
'til we feel madness creeping in

It's agony
It's agony
This curse I bear
Undo, undo it - hey!

It can't be stopped now, no, aah~!

Time goes on, time goes on, changes come to your frame
But the collar stays the same

It's agonizing now, but this is nothing now
People just, people just, they're not enough

I vow to not lose to anyone in my class
Aren't I such a lovely child?
Way more than that child, and more than that child
Ladies and gentlemen, gather round, marvel at me!

Behind the gymnasium, when I told you that I was in love
Wasn't that kind of a lie?
I love you so, so very much
Even though I think that you're trash!

Love me, I beg
Love me, I beg
Love me, I beg!
I'll give you everything
But in return, but in return
I'll make you share this hatred I bear"

Tears start to form in my eyes

"It's not enough, you're not enough, just not enough
But I won't let you go, aah~!
I'm sorry about this"

I feel the collar pearce into my skin

"Love me, I beg
Love me, I beg
Love me, I beg!
More and more

Please love me, I beg
Love me, I beg!
'til we feel madness creeping in

"It's agony
I won't let go
It's agony
Strangle me, strangle me - hey!

Isn't this happiness? aah~"

The collar shocked me over and over again everything starts to spin and I see tord every were saying love me I beg

Isn't this happiness? aah~"

I felt the world shut down "you know to much love I need to start you from scratch..."

I actually really like this chapter which one is your favorite chapter mabye if there's enough on one of the chapters I'll make a second part of it but anyways until the next chapter PEACE OUT MY FRIENDS


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