the criminal part 2

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Edd p.o.v

"Its ok you won't die...."

That noise

"You won't die...."

I here that voice over and over

"You won't die..."
"You won't die..."
"You won't die..."
"You won't die..."
"You won't die..."
"You won't die..."
"You will die..."

I jumped out of this bed I was in it looked like a hospital "oh edd your awake good now we can ask you do you know who I am" I look up to the person in front of me "t..Tom?" He giggled "yup the one and only now what's the last thing you remember before you got here?" We sat there for a minute until I said "you won't die....." Tom looked at me confused but before he could ask any questions he got a call on his radio "TIM ANY NEWS ON EDD" "MATT GIVE ME BACK MY RADIO!" I heard tord and .....Matt..... "can I talk to Matt please.... in person...." Tom looked up at me "of course" as he says that he's walking out the door I waited of at least 2 minutes then I heard the door break "EDD ARE YOU OK" Matt said as he ran to my side

"I'm fine Matt...."

"Edd what's wrong you didn't die I told you"

"but i could have died"

"but you didn't"

"but i could have"

"but you didnt"

"you make a pretty good argument matt"

"thanks edd but anyways are you ok?"

"im fine but were are we"

"oh were in the red base after i shot you the cops ran off to get back up so i took that advantage and ran off into a forest area were then i didnt know i ran into the red base area i saw tom and he asked me to go with him so I did I talked to tord while you were healing here"
I looked around and noticed the old logo tord use to have around the house

"Oh so what no- wait WERE ARE YOU GOING!" I yelled at Matt while he's trying to leave
"I have a meeting with tord he wants to know what's going on and his he can help us"
"Oh ok" I look down but right before he leaves he comes over and kisses me
"Dont worry I'll be back" and so he left

Not long after tom came back in the room
"So u and Matt eh how long have you two Been together "

I started to blush a little

"Like about a month or so..."

"Aww really you two seem like you have been together for yea-"

We heard a huge explosion from were tord and Matt were

Then we heard screams

I broke my leg and I also changed my writing as well as me thinking that should I do a face reveal or no? But until the next chapter peace
P.s someone please give me a dare in my eddsworld dare book because that book is dying *cri*

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