marry me

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Torm p.o.v

I was going through some old boxes when i saw three dolls on was mom the other dad and the last was uncle edd so i starded to play with them

(Dramatic music)

Dad:Tom you are the most prettiest boy in Norway

Mom: Thank you Sir tord

Dad: Will you accompany me to-the-mysterious wedding today?

Mom: ... Nnno.

Dad: But-But, tom, I love you!

Mom: I love you too. I LOOOOVVVMM YOU!

Dad: Marry me tom!

Mom: ...No

Dad: WHY!?

Mom: I...I don't love you! Woopsies~!

Dad: TOOOMMMM!*choo*

Mom: I am in love with another

Dad: Who is this maaan!?

Mom: He

Camera gose closer

More closer

Dad: *happy gasp*

Mom: I love you!

Dad: Marry me tom!

Mom: ...Nno


Mom : I am in love with your brother.

Dad: EDD!? I'll kill him when I find him!

Edd: OR he will!

Mom and dad: edd!?

Uncle edd: The mysterious wedding has been our wedding all along. Tom and I are getting wed at the wedding today! YOU are not invited! Will you be my best man?

Dad: Of course, brother...I hate you so much.

Uncle Edd: Goodbye brother! I'll see you at the bachelor party!

Mom: Goodbye, Sir tord! I will always love you!

I stand up with the doll that looks like my dad

Dad(whispering): tom~

I put the dolls down to find more toys but when I turn around I see mom,dad,uncle edd, uncle matt,grandpa paul,and grandma pat about to cry then they starded clapping.

I'm still working on the smut book I just did this one because I thought It was cute I gtg now I'm baby sitting but until the next book PEACD OUT MY FRIENDS

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