the LUCKY cola

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The story takes place before Matt lived with them
Edds p.o.v

I was walking down the road to the store by my self because tom and tord were fighting again plus we were out of cola,I got into the store and went to go get some food and cola,I found the bacon,eggs,and milk but still no cola I turned out of the food section to see ONE cola left I run as fast as I can but someone beat me to it and ran, I walk to the counter check out when the person saw that I was upset he said "why so sad today sir" I looked up to the man he had ginger hair, a baby face and was wearing a chasher outfit 'dang hes cute' I told him " you guys ran out of cola" he looked at me surprised then laughed that was the cutest laugh ever "I'm sorry for laughing but, I'll go get you a pack of cola ,on me" he left for a bit and came back with a cola pack and another cola can when he did the world stoped turning all I could feel is his hand on the can with my hand then i snaped back into reality "here sorry for that I'll pay for your cola" "t-thanks" I said with the biggest smile I ever made "no problem" I finished at the cheak out and asked "what's your name?mine is edd " He looked back at me and said "matt" he gave me the recipe to sign and i said "it's nice to meet you Matt see ya soon" and I left
Matt p.o.v
"See ya soon" see ya soon what did that mean by tha- i looked at the recipe and it had hes number on it and said meet me soon
1 years
Now I moved in with edd and met Tom and tord
6 months later
I finally ask edd to be my boyfriend
1 month later
Me and edd cam back from one of our dates to see Tom and tord getting it on,ON THE COUCH
1 year later
I proposed to edd and he said yes
2 years later
Tom and tord have a kid now named tick that gives me an idea...
4 years later
We have a daughter named kiki now
2 months later
Tom and tord are finally getting married after EVERYTHING THEY DID,...I'm still mad about the couch thing...
4 months later
Me and edd were going through all The old stuff we have and he found his lucky cola can and I ask him why it was so lucky and he said The most cheesy est thing ever "because you gave it to me when we first met"

The end


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