beauty and the beast part 1

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Tords p.o.v
I was walking to the library to get a new book, when I got in the library I found my favorite book when all the sudden the librarian said "that's the fifth time you checked out that book why don't you just keep it?" I looked at the lady and said "r..really t..thank you so much" I smiled to her "no problem just don't tell my boss ok" she said with a chuckle in the end "BYE THANK YOU" I yelled from the outside of the library I was skipping alongside the sidewalk when I bumped into 'him' "ahh good morning tord" I put my head up and walked away and said "goodbye Eduardo" I was about to turn the corner when all the sudden he starred to say "why don't you come hang out with me a little while your waiting for that fool of a father of yours" I turns around on my heels and said "he is no fool the only fool hear is you now leave me alone" I walked faster towards my house when I noticed that my father wasn't home yet he left 2 days ago and still never returned

(flashhhhhhh backkkkkkkk)

"papa do you have to leave me hear I won't know what do do if you leave" my bushed eyebrow father turnd around from putting his luggage in the cart to face me and said "I'll only be gone 1 day that's all" he walked over to me and hugged me before going back to his cart he finished putting everything in its place, got on his horse and said "don't do anything stupid while I'm gone" making the horse walk away"I won't papa" i shouted "ill get a rose for you two" he said almost gone "OK THANK YOU" i said with a smile

(end of flash back)

its been 2 days seance then mabye I should go find him I walked to the stables were my horse Steve *XD BECAUSE I WANDED TO* was standing when all the sudden I saw the one person I didn't want to see... Eduardo..."what do you want" he gave me a smirk "I want to know we're your going" "it's non of your concerns of knowing were I'm going" I got on my horse and walked away from the conversation...

*Time skip because I'm a lazy fuck...*

I got into the woods and put my hoddi up when it starded to rain on me and Steve I told him "will find papa tomorrow but first lest stop over there" I pointed to a abandon area it was a castle A HUGE CASTLE and luckily it had a stable there I put Steve into a stabel then walked inside...

*More time skip because I'm a lazy ass*

When I finally got inside I was greeted by a candle and a clock "hello mister my name is Matt" the candel said then the clock said something "MATT YOUR NOT SUPPOST TO TALK TO THE PERSON" he said anger then Matt said "well sorry edd but I sanded to be nice is all" then we all hear a growel and a yell "that sounds like my papa" I ran towards the screams but end and Matt tried to stop me "DONT GO MISTER HE'LL GET YOU" Matt said "I DONT CARE WHO 'HE' IS BUT IM GETTING MY PAPA BACK HOME" I ran up a lot of stairs to see a door and still can hear my dad yelling so then I busted  the door open to see my dad in a cell coughing up blood "PAPA who did this to yo-" "HOW DID YOU GET HEAR.. NEVERMIND YOU NEED TO RUN NOW" I was confused at first but then I heard something growling behind me I turn around to hear the thing say "what are YOU doing hear and why are YOU talking to my prisoner" I was a little scared at first then said "this PRISONER is MY father, he needs to get home he's sick!" Then he said back " he can go home IF you choose to stay with me forever I'll take care of you and everything so what do you say?" I was hesitant at first but then I agreed "TORD NO YOU STILL HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE" I turns around and said "dont worry father I'll be fine" I looked back to were the thing was talking "I will stay if you let me dad go!" He didn't say anything until "fine" I didn't expect him to say ok really "wait can you step into he light" "...ok..." he step into the light he was a monster black and purple were the colors his eyes were black I starred into them for awhile then he grabbed my father and threw him out he didn't even let me say goodbye " you didn't let me say goodbye to my father " he looked at me and said "i dont care" and then he left me there I realised I was alone,cold,and afraid I starred to cry for the rest of the time I was in there

*even more time skips wow ok I need to stop being lazy*

I heard the monster come back "come on were going" I was confused "we're are we going? " he looked at me and said "we're going to your room or do you wanna stay in hear forever?" He asked "no no I'll go" we were quiet until I asked him "hey... seance I'm living hear now can I get your name?" He stoped In front of a door and said "we're hear" I walked into the room it was all red and everything looked like it costed a fortune "thank you" I said hugging him he looked away and said "uh...yeah your welcome" he sounded nervous when I finally let go he went to the door and said "by the way my name is Thomas but you can call me Tom what can I call you?" I looked at him we staired into each others eyes for awhile until I said "tord. .. you can call me tord" when Tom left I felt my face heat up with excitement and screamed into my pillow "I think I like him!"

Tom's p.o.v

After I left I heard screaming from inside it sounded like a happy scream but I walked away anyways I went over to the west wing to see a rose but not just any rose a enchanted rose as a pettel falls I say "what's the point, nobody could ever love a beast..."

Wow that took 1007 words don't worry this is only the beginning of there story i wont be abel to post as fast as before becayse of school but mabye ill post sundays wensdays and fridays but if im sad or something then it will be when ever and also I decided after I'm done with the beauty and the beast chapters I'll do the little mermaid  but anyways tell me if you want more or comment what other spin off Disney movies I should do until then PEACE

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