the criminal

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Edds p.o.v

There has been this criminal out and about shooting people I wasn't to worried about it until one day matt saw me crying in the corner of my room "edd what's wrong" matt asked "I was jumped again getting groceries" he looked at me with sorrow eyes "what did they look like?" When I told matt what they look like he lift he was gone for at lest an hour before he came back he sat right next to me and cuddled me "don't worry they won't hurt you anymore" he falls asleep with me in his arms I got board and turnd on the t.v. to see the news "a new kill has been spotted one man died and another bairly survived we are now asking him what the killer looks like" she then points the camera to one of the boy's that beat me in the alleyway my eyes widen to see his face covered in bruises "he was wearing all black by at the top of his head you can see ginger hair" I turn to look at matt because he woke up "shit..." I heard him say under his breath "m..Matt a..are you the k..killer" he drops me out of his arms and stands up "I did it all for you and this is the thanks I ge-" I cut him off by my lips on his he kissed back until I pulled away " thank you matt" he seemed surprised at first but then hugged me "your welcome love" we were inturuped by a knock at the door I tell matt to hide because it was to suspicious tom and tord left years age but when I opend the door I was greeted by police officers "excuse me but dose matt lobster live here?" I was hesitant at first until I feel someone hugging me from behind "yes I do why" the officer backed up and pulled out his gun "sir you are under arrest for murder hundreds of people" matt Lend into my ear "I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do just remember I will always love you dear" he then pulled out a gun and points it to my head " I can make it a hundred and one if you don't leave our property right now" I felt my heart race faster as the cop turnd safety mode off and matt did as well "you got to the count of 3 to leave" the cop goose closer and matt tells me "you know I will always love you forever"
The gun is pressed against my temple
Tears stared falling from my face as the cop just watches
Before everything went black I heard matt say "it's ok you won't die..."


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