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Toms p.o.v
"I love u tord" I said to him he turns around and scoffed "tsk yeah right" and he walked with his sister right behind him away leaving me in tears I walked home and went into the bathtub I starded to cough out flower petles "dame it nothing is working" I sat there in the tube for awhile until I heard a knock at my bathroom door "tom I need to speak with u I'm sorry for what I said" I didn't even bother to reply I just sat there in the tube ...by myself....
...and stuck in one sided...

I'm at my friends home writing this but ANYWAYSSSSSS So this is a preview of a chapter in going to put up soon but I also want to make it its own book along with the parts of I will be there,everyday a little death, and hell to your doorstep because there are a lot of things apart of it still so I'm going to make that its own book maybe along with some others to. Idk what do u guys think but until the next chapter PEACE


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