love and lies

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{this is a trailer for my new book i wanna write}


Later that night little evelyn was heading to bed with her "mother" and "father"

"Mommy can i talk to you without daddy"

Tom looked at matt

"Whatever you need to say you can tell both of us"

Evelyn looked at her mother

"It's about other dad"

Tom looks at Matt

"I-i'll talk to her"

Evelyn walked into her room with her mother

"Mommy what do you know about dad?"

Tom looked at the small child that still couldn't understand

"Your dad did some mean things to me when we were together he was a man who wanted nothing but power but i was a man who wanted to settle down and get married and have a family i soon found out that he had another family with another women"

Evelyn looked sad

"But i thought dad was nice to you... he said you weren't a whore and that he will love you forever"

Tom looked at evelyn


Evelyn nodded

"He said that you were going to get married and he would do whatever it took for you to be happy"

Tom looked at evelyn with tears

"It's time for sleep my little star"

Evelyn crawled into bed being tucked into bed by her "mother"

"I love you my little evelyn"

he laid a kiss on her head then left. Evelyn soon fell asleep remembering what her "mother" sang to her when her father left

"Where the north wind meets the sea"

Evelyn was being held by her "mother"

"There's a river full of memory"

Her "mother" started to move from side to side

"Sleep, my darling, safe and sound"

Tom set evelyn into her crib

"For in this river all is found"

Evelyn then woke up from a light that flew by she soon followed after the small light

"In her waters, deep and true"

The small light flew into the woods

"Lay the answers and a path for you"

She reached a cliff when the light finally stopped

"Dive down deep into her sound"

She reached for the light but then fell

"But not too far or you'll be drowned..."


woah that was intense but ill fix it up some more sorry i haven't been active but i promise that this book will be awsome and twisted

until next time


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