♡Eddmatt♡ football game

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10:54 am

Cola boi: Theres a football game today for school me,tom and tord were going to go you wanna go too?

Purple boi: what time?

Cola boi: 7 to 11

Purple boi: I'll see what I can do

11:03 am

Purple boi: My mom says it should be fine, as long as my dad and I don't have plans

Cola boi: ok, you just need your i.d to get in

6:32 PM

Purple boi: I'm on my way

Cola boi: ok, lover boy wanted to go to McDonald's with tord so I'm just waiting for then to get in the DAME CAR

Purple boi: alright I'll save us some spots

7:02 PM

Cola boi: were here were are you?

Edd's p.o.v

As we started to walk In, i see matt waiting by the bleachers "hey guys how was everyone's summer" everyone said good then matt led us to our seats we sat down and it got cold tom went up to tord and said "Tordy I'm cold" so tord gave tom his sweater so I tried the same thing "matty I'm cold" he looked at me then at tom and tord then he got up and left,

15 minutes later

As were watching the game matt comes back with two hoodies 'h-he bought me a hoodie?' I look over Matt's shoulder to see tom making kissy faces matt handed me my hoodie with a bit of blush on his face "t-take it I don't want you getting sick" I look at him with happiness in my eyes "thank you matt"

22 minutes later

I guess matt got hungry halfway into the game because one moment we were quite then the next I was chasing him to get away from the hot dog stand because he threw up multiple times from there hot dogs every happend so fast we seen old friends, new friends then tord jumped into the police officers back trunk luckily he knew the police officer then it was time for all of us to go home tord left first because his parents were mad that he was with tom then tom left then it was just me and matt

Matt's p.o.v

"Well I guess this is the beginning of our high school years"
I look down at edd
"Then let's make it the best year ever"
We stood in silence
"Well I'm gonna go now by edd"
Edd didn't say anything until I was almost put then he yelled
"W-wait I don't get a hug?"
I stand there thinking about it then I walk over and give him a hug it felt like forever until he let go
"Well I'm going to call my dad to pick me up by matt it was nice seeing you"
Then edd started walking away 'this is my only chance to tell him how I feel' I run up to edd and pick him up from behind and nuzzle his neck
"I-i love you"
Then I did it... i kissed him then i let go of him and ran to my dads car

Edd's p.o.v

W-what just happend?

To be continued

Hey everyone its reina sorry I haven't been posting in this book I have gone through alot lately but I'm proud to say I'm back and with alot of cheesey stories I also learned how not every story needs a sound XD I regret my past choices this story is also based on an event that happen to me yesterday trust me I'm still trying to figure out what happend

But until the next chapter



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