remember me (eddmatt)

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This is the same as the tomtord one but this is also more different than the other chapter trust me you'll need the following things for this chapter if your an cry easily
2 a blanket
4 icecream

Matt's p.o.v

It's been a year since edd left our world I was sleeping in my lonely bed when I hear crying coming from medds room I get up and go see why he's crying "medd sweetie what's wrong?" I asked him in a soft voice "I...I miss..miss daddy" my heart broke when he would have one of these out burst that his dad would take care of to let me sleep, I take medd out of his crib and silently sing

" Remember me Though I have to say goodbye Remember me Don't let it make you cry For ever if I'm far away I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you Each night we are apart"

I start to remember the Times with edd,medd,and I playing all together and even before medd was born all the time we had together...

"Remember me Though I have to travel far Remember me Each time you hear a sad guitar Know that I’m with you The only way that I can be Until you’re in my arms again Remember me"

He fell asleep in my arms but I never put him down then I remember something edd said before he past

" Remember me For I will soon be gone..."

I imagined edd and medd playing together in the living room and every time I go home from work edd always comes up to me and gives me a kiss while medd hugs me from behind

" Remember me And let the love we have live on And know that I'm with you the only way that I can be So, until you're in my arms again"

I know edd is always here, I feel hin wrap his arms around my torso while looking at medd 'he has grown alot sence then' i can hear him say, making tears fall to the ground...



happy birthday to edd, edd is always here he's never gone just remeber that... I'm going to go make a speed paint now for edd on my YouTube channel BUT UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPTER PEACE OUT
P.s I was reading last night and fell asleep in the middle of some smut so the next day when I woke up i turn on my tablet to read some stuff I wasn't expecting XD

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