I know those eyes/this man is dead part 4

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Note:this it the day of the ball tord is wearing a dark blue tux with his hair up, edd is wearing a green tux with his hair gelled back, matt is the same with edd but purple instead of green , and Tom is wearing a red ball gown with blue and red roses from the sides the ball takes place in a palace there are more characters but I'll talk about them later LETS GET TO THE STORY

Toms P.o.v

Edd left to attend the ball an hour before I did I walked in to the gates to be greeted by him I still never felt comfortable around him even though it's been awhile he only wants me because I have money, edd walked half way with me then told me he'll be back but he went and talked to some other girls I didn't really care because 'I don't love him like how I love tord but he's gone now' I think to myself but as soon as I say that I saw HIM


My God, my heart beats faster!
And my mind is racing
Could it be...?
Could it be that you've come back to life?"

I walk closer to tord by the balcony

"I know those eyes, following me
Dark and familiar, and deep as the sea
I know that face, strange though it seems
Younger and kinder, it haunts all my dreams

How can you stand there, a whisper from me?
Yet somehow, be so far away?
In eyes once familiar, a stranger I see
With so many words left to say" I walk closer to him but edd grabs my arm and starts to drag me back inside

"This man is dead, he is no more
He died a little each day
Like a thief, the Château d'If has stolen him away
The mind plays tricks
You are confused
The man you seek is long gone"

I threw tom on the floor seeing tord turn around and walk inside

"Dead and cold
A story told, by those he trusted,
those he loved, and those who then...
moved on" we walked away from him but then I see beautiful women on there own so I leave Tom to dance with someone else

I start to get mad at the sight of tom and edd "I am a ghost, just a mirage
Who chases traces of you"
[ tom ]
"There in that voice...
Traces of you..."

"Dark and familiar, and deep as the sea" the dancing starts and I try to get closer to tord

"This man is dead, he is no more
And though it's torturing me"
"I know those eyes...
Torturing Me"

I end up in the middle with tord and I dancing everything fell from the room to black

"Can either of us really ever be free?
How can you stand there a whisper from me...?
When you are still so far away?
And why does the truth seem too hard to be true?
With so much broken..."

"And so much damage"
I lean tom over

"There are no words" tom leans in for a kiss but tord stops him with his finger and says

"Left to say..." I drop tom and left him to cry 'im sorry' i said in my head making him look up at me i go farther away from tom and walk up the stares to see edd talking to other women edd connected eyes with me and I saw horrer in his eyes.

The end

Or to be continued?
I'm tierd but hey I got it done the other characters are going to be Tom an Tords children torm and tori they will be in the next part BUT UNTIL THEN PEACE OUT

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