...FUCK {tomtord}

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Tord p.o.v
Tom is an omega and I'm an alpha and well....tom was in heat so I helped him but I accidentally came inside of him not realizing my actions its been almost a month since that happened and I haven't seen tom since then I'm getting very worried "hey tord" I turn around to see edd "hey edd..." He looks at me puzzled "what's wrong?" He ask "I think I did something to tom" he looks more puzzled"what could you have done to tom unless... OMG IMA KILL YOU!" he started to run towards toms house "what did I do?" I start to run after edd ,once I caught up to edd he smashed the door into pieces "THOMAS WERE ARE YOU" edd said in his mom voice we turn to see tom on the couch with ice cream "hey mom I'm still on the couch" he turns around to see an angry edd "E..EDD!?" Edd ran up to tom and hugged him

Then slapped him "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Tom rubs his cheek while edd is still hugging him "hiding..." He said "HIDING? HIDING FRIM WHAT?!" Edd said with a bit of worry in his voice "t..tord" he started to cry "why?" More tears stared to pour from his eyes "t...tord got m..me" I walked up to tom "tom what did I do" his eyes shot wide open, he broke from Edds huge and ran into his room "TOM WHAT DID I DO" silence filled the house then he spoke "tord... Wait down stares for me I need to talk to edd....alone...." I respected his wishes and went down stares
[16 minutes later]
Its been at least 15 minutes as soon as I was about to get up and go home I heard edd scream "WHAT I KNEW IT!" he ran down the stares and yelled at me "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO TOM! IMA FOR REAL KILL YOU NOW" edd grabbed my shirt but then tom ran down the stares "EDD WAIT" tom stopped edd as he pulled him to the side to talk to him I heard "he wont be with me if you scare him away" I became confused "tommy what's going on" I ask they both turn around and edd was standing there while tom pulled out a box "tord.....

Your my baby's dad..."

WhoOoOoOoO iM a ScArY gHoSt

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