Chapter one,the first job

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Just to clarify some things before we start cus i had no ideas what these ment when i read one of these :)

(Yn) = your name
(Yln) =your last name
( yhc) =your hair colour
(Yhl) = your hair legth
( yec) = your eye colour
Readers pov:
You clenched your teeth together tighter to keep the bobby pins in your mouth from falling out as you pinned up your hair. Once you finished you looked back into the mirror with a proud look on your face, your clients had requested a 40's look for tonight and you where pretty proud of what you pulled off.

You had cherry red lipstick with small winged eye liner as well and some light pink blush and highlighter. You had managed to pin your (hc) hair into a 40's style bob and found an outfit and the thrift store that you altered to fit your needs yourself.
Unlike other people in your line of work you didnt have allot of money for fancy outfits so you had to alter them yourself.

But this outfit was perfect it was your best yet.
It was a camouflage green military outfit. You cut the skirt yourself so that it showed some of you ass when you bent over. You also paired it with some fishnet leggings and a black lacy bullet bra. You fitted the matching top so that it was light and showed off the bra well. But your favourite touch was the matching tie you found. In your opinion it pulled the whole outfit together nicely and added extra military feel.

As you finished dressing yourself your phone buzzed and it was your mom face timing you. You Momentarily panicked because your mom didnt know this was your job and it wasnt time for her to find out. You sighed as you walked over and placed your finger over the back camera so it was black when you answered.

" hello ma , not to be rude but im very busy and i have to go soo-"
" (yn) (yn) hon i cant see you is there somthin wrong with mine"
" uh no ma its mine, my phone has been glitchy latley sorry but like i sai-"

"Oh hon your so lazy go get a real job and get your danm phone fixed"

Little did she know you thought to yourself before you answered

"Yes ma i know i will but i really have to go im sorry bye love you"
You said as you hung up fast glancing at the time,
Shit it was 11:30 and you needed to be there at 11:45 but it would take you 20 minuets to get there, so much for a good tip you though.

You slipped on some heeled military boots and the large tan trench coat. You enterd the elevator and clicked for the main floor you where on the top floor of your apartment which was floor 20 you decided to call the cab in advance to busy yourself on the ride down. After a few stops the elevator came to a halt on the main floor, you stepped out into the lobby and went out the front door strait to your cab it was pouring rain so you rushed in try to keep your hair dry. Once inside you told the driver your destination adress

"avengers tower please."

Buckys pov:
Miss cherry pop was late and it was making me nervous steve was being stubborn as ever and i was afraid my plan wouldnt work out.

"C'mon steve im just heading to the store you dont need to come with me i will be gone for 20 minuets tops"

" but i want to come with you buck, i have a few things to pick up myself anyways"

" im already heading out i will save you the trouble just tell me what you need i will pick it up' im trying to be a good boyfriend here steve"

"Okay fine i will write you a list just give me a minute"

"Just text it to me steve" you said as you closed the door behind you dashing to the elevator trying to catch cherry before tony does.

Just as the elevator doors opened she walked in, she looked perfect or at leat what you could see of her did, she had the classic 40's look to her and it was just what i had asked for.

" hello im looking for a mr.barnes im here for a private business meeting" she said.

" Ah yes i am mr.barnes you can follow me this way to the elevator i can take you up to our floor and oh by the wa-"

"I am sorry mr barnes there are a few things i have to go aver with you before i go upstairs with you"she interupted.

Readers pov:

You walked into the building and said exactly what You where told to, to the first person You saw. Which happened to be the man you where looking for. He introduced himself and began walking and explain but he was going way to fast for your Liking so you stopped him

" i am sorry mr.barnes there are a few things i have to go over with you before i go upstairs with you"

He just looked at me for a few moments before he finally spoke " oh of course my bad and also call me bucky"

"Okay bucky well first i need some ID im sure your over 21 but i really have to do this part just in case and i also need you to sign this contract please it just states that this is consensual and that if anything happens you hired me" you said quietly a little nervous and intimidated by this big burley mad whole also had a metal arm that you where sure could crush you.

"Of course I understand but i would like to mention my uh husband doesnt know about this so he cant sign these yet but he definitely will before we start vut i did steal his ID for you to check"

"Okay sounds good to me"

First chapter done i will try to do weekly updates on this book and my other one shots book but yea how do you think this is going to go?? Lemme know :)

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