Chapter 23: conference two

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Tw: it gets a little heavy near the end so tread carefully please.

Todays conference was more hectic. The flash if the cameras was even brighter when we stepped out if the car the voices louder too. I headed inside took my seat and waited to be called up. I rehearsed my speech last night in the garden while I smoked to calm my nerves.

I took my seat at the long table and tried to breathe. The introductions happened just like yesterday except today I was called up instead of Steve and Tony. With a shaky breath I pushed back my chair and stood up. I brushed off my dress and walked over to the microphone. Then I opened my paper and began.

" as stated yesterday I y/n y/l/n am pressing charges against Natasha Romanoff. I will be pressing charges under the pre tense of hate crime and harassment. The things she did to antagonize me in the place I was staying while I was in a vulnerable state were crule and uncalled for. She was one if the main factors in the break of my mental health as seen in the video. But, since then I have been on the road to recover and this conference and the trial to come are all appart if that. Thank you." I finished going back to my seat. I tried to breath and hold back tears but it only partially worked. I tried to play it off as me just itching my face but Bucky and Steve knew I just hope the press didn't.

A few minutes after everyone settled down Clint came to the front and spoke. " As you all know I used to be in a public relationship with Natasha Romanoff but, after recently discovering this new hateful side of her our relationship has ended. I will not stand by and support someone who's beliefs supress others rights. This team is my family and I will always stand by them. Thank you." He said stepping down very stoic and professional.

Once Clint sat down Peter was called up to the front. He looked terrified as he walked to the microphone. When he walked past me I gave him a small smile and pat in the back. I was trying to be more personable and open towrads the other members of the team besides Bucky and Steve. Peter seemed to notice and smiled walking uo a little bit more confidently. He placed his papers down took a breath and began.

" when part if the video was first released it affected me in a very personal way. I was outed as transgender to the public before I was ready. It hurt me deeply and I am still dealing with the consequences of Ms. Natasha's actions. I have had a great amount of support from my family, my boyfriend and the Lgbtqa+ community and I would like to thank you all for that. I would like to say though that my gender should not matter when I am risking my life to save yours. When I am doing the job you cannot do yourself. I voulenteer this is not my official job so please think about that before you discriminate against me. I am here to help and what I identify as doesn't affect what I do thank you." Peter said grabbing his papers and heading back to his spot.

The whole room was silent. Peters speech took everyone's breath away. We were all stunned at the wise workds to come from the teens mouth. Peter was sitting trying to hold back tears and Tony called for a break before questions. I sighed in relife and got up from my spot quickly throwing on my jacket and grabbing my purse. I swiftly walked through the crowd going un noticed seeing the people walking out after me were the ones actually doing the saving. I headed out to the back of the building and sighed leaning against the wall. I opened a pack and pulled out a cigarette. I lit it took a drag and let my body relax. I went limb against the wall and just felt the smoke burn my throat in a good kind of pain.

As soon as a break was called y/n rushed out of the room grabbing her stuff. I knew she was anxious for questions because she said her speech today I could also see her fidgety constantly through all the speeches. I wanted to talk to her a re-asure her everything would be okay but she was too fast. I rushed after her but I was bombarded by press. Steve came out after me giving me a chance to slip away. I ran towards the back door I saw y/n walk out if and followed the path to outside. I opened the door and squinted when the sunlight hit my eyes. Then I scrunched my nose at the smell of smoke. I quietly walked around the corner and saw y/n leaning against the wall cigarette in hand smoke spiraling out of her mouth wrapping around her body. I sighed in frustration and walked towards her quickly.


I was enjoying my smoke when I heard the door open. I thought nothing of it untill I saw an angry Bucky striding towards me. I just stared at him in shock cigarette haning on my lips.

" what the hell is this!" He asked pulling the cigarette out of my mouth and stomping it out.

" wha -I - I just-"

" you just got out of the hospital and now your smoking! You are reversing all the healing you just did." Bucky said interrupting me.

" I only do it when I'm stressed it helps me think." I said. I wasnt lying it was only half the truth. It does help me think. It also keeps me full but I wasn't going to say that.

" if you are stressed you should talk to me or Steve or Katherine not turn to these horrible unhealthy habbits!" Bucky said shouting louder.

" I'm sorry it's the only thing I cant quit. I quit drugs and alcohol and prostitution but I just can't quit this." I said tears brimming in my eyes. I didn't wan to cry right now but I was overwhelmed and thats what happens. I felt my anxiety trying to claw its way to the surface and I tried to leave but Bucky grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

" no you aren't running away we are going to talk about this." Bucky said. I let all my tears go and then I heard a click and saw a flash. I looked and saw a press person taking pictures I quickly started for the door pulling Bucky with me but he wouldn't listen. More came and it became an all out frenzy.

" not now!" I said ripping myself from Buckys grip and leaving. Great that looks horrible me crying and confessing to drugs and Bucky yelling at me and pulling me back. I ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My makeup was a mess. I dabed it away and left heading back to the room. After a few minutes everyone arrived and the questions began.

" did ms. Romanoff physically assault you or did you imagine it."

" can you be held as a reliable source due to your mental health, how do you know forsure you're right?"

" are you in a confirmed relationship with both Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers."

" do you sleep with all the other members if the team?"

" are you gay or Bi or poly?"

" do you not feel guilty for basically playing both men your with cheating on the other with their best friend and they know it."

" how did you end up in a relationship with the Capatin America? Looking at your past did you play him?"

" are you manipulating either of the men you are with?"

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