Chapter 21: good for me

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I woke up this morning got dressed ate breakfast took my pills and headed off to go see Katherine to talk the about the press conference. I got down to her office And lightly knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opens and I'm greeted by Katherine. She has a warm smile and invites me in. I walked over and sat down akwardly in the couch. It always takes me a little bit to get comfortable. For now I just sat at the edge if the couch ready to leave if anything happens.

" So y/n whats been in your mind is there anything specific you would like to talk about?" Katherine asked.

" um yea there is this press conference happening about Natasha and Steve and Bucky and well the whole team actually. They want to know if I want to talk at the conference."

" Okay, do you want to yourself ir are you just trying to do it for the benifit of everyone else."

" I-I dont know, I do want to clear the air and get this over with but I also want to leave it be and just stay in the tower. But I also want to do my oart to help the team." I said sighing and scooching back into the couch a little more. Katherine noticed and a small smile formed on her face. Usually by the end of the session I'm all curled up in the couch like a cat. So she was happy that I was getting mire comfortable again.

" do you think talking at this conference will benifit you and impact your progress in a positive way or does this worry you and make all your anxieties come to the surface and fester?" Katherine said leaning back in her chair.

" I think It might help me you know, have an offical end to the whole incident with Natasha." I said. Katherine smiled and agreed. After that we continued with the session.

Y/n headed off to see Dr.Katherine and Bucky was gone working out. I was currently writing uo my oart if the speech as well as cordinate with Fury about the conference. I was typing out the section if the speech when my phone started buzzing.

" hey Tony whats up." I said confused, why didn't he just get Jarvis to summon me

" Emergency meeting now the whole video has been leaked." Tony said quickly

" what I thought only the part about Peter was out." I said confused and now even more stressed

" NO! the whole thing has been leaked people are going fucking nuts Steve we have to release a starment and push the conference forwards." Tony said frantically.

" okay get Jarvis to assemble everyone we have to push everything a week ahead we will hold the first conference tomorrow."

" okay, is y/n doing a speech." Tony questioned.

" I'm not sure but I'll go get her and see." I said hanging up. I quickly gathered all my things in my briefcase and headed out the door. While I was walking to get y/n I called Bucky and updated him. He said he was going to go grab his stuff and then head down. I said my goidbyes just as I got to the office. Just as I was about to knock the door opened and y/n bumoed into me.


I finished my session with katherine and felt pretty good. I had decided on talking at the conference. I knew it would be hard but it would help me so I decided it oush through.

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