Chapter 9: conviction

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WARNING: This chapter goes more into detail about what ed did so if that might be a trigger for you i would tread carefully. I will put warnings before and after those parts otherwise enjoy

ALSO: this is gunna be a long ine maybe 2,000-3,000 words so buckle up sis

Last night on your ride back to the tower steve and
bucky conviced you to press charges against ed. Last night when u were  upset , emotionally drained, and sleep deprived it seemed like a good idea but now, now that you were pulling up to thw police station you were starting to regret agreeing. *Of course i dont want to let ed walk off free but i also don't want to re-live that event.*

Your pov ( idk whaf im doing with this so sorry its like ur telling the story now IDKKKKKK IM SORRRRYYYY)

I sat in the back seat clinging onto the tape so hard my knuckles where white i was lost in my own thoughts and didnt relize my breathing had picked up. But of course bucky and steve being the supportive loving people they are did they noticed and jumped into action right away.

" hey hey (y/n) its okay breathe just breathe" bucky said looking over the front seat. " we can take it slow hon take your time there is no rush we will go when your ready" steve said reaching a hand back for me to hold onto. I grabbed his hand and held onto his pinky finger with my whole hand. That was another thing i did for comfort.

" wil you please come in with me guys" i asked looking at the two of them " of course " they both said with a warm smile " you ready " steve asked " yea" i replied with a sigh. Just as we were walking in bucky got a call from fury " hey doll i am so sorry i got a call i have to go breif for a last minute mission for tonight but stevie will be with you okay" he said before kissng me then steve and then running off to a car sent by fury " we dont have to go in if you dont want to we can wait for buck" steve said looking me in the eyes seeing my fear.

" no no its its ok i can do it aslong as you are there and i can hold your finger" i said blushing slightly and looking away. Steve could sense my embarrassment so he reached his hand out to me pinky sticking out for me to grasp " of course sweetie whatever you need oh and no need to be ashamed me and buck have little comforts we take with you aswell as eachother" i smiled and gave him a quick hug befre we walked in.

As soon as i stepped through the door i felt like a child steve took the lead and dragged me behind him looking back every minute or so to makesure i was okay and i would just nod in response even though i hated what was happening. " hi we would like to report a federal offence" steve said. The officer recognized him and got us a private room aswell as rushed us in.

I walked behind steve and the officer we were headed towards an interrogation room. Once we walked in my heart stopped beating i got sweaty and anxiouse my face paled out and i blanked. Steve looked back and saw me, he quickly came over and took my hands in his then pulled me into a hug. I didnt cry i just stood there frozen i felt trapped in steves embrace it felt like i was back with ed being help agaisnt my will. My breath began to pick up I whispered to steve " let go" but he didnt hear me " steve let go, please let me go, steve let go, let go" steve heard me a quickly let me go, he looked at me " im so sorry i didn't hear you are you okay" he questioned his eyebrows knit together in concern. " yes im fine im just lets get this over with" i said looking over steves shoulder to the officer.

" okay , your seat is right here and steve there is a bench just outside the door." The officer said, i looked to steve my eyes growing wide with worry " uumm can he please stay" i said my voice becoming hoarse " well if he wasnt there untill after you where found I'm afarid not " he said looking between myself and steve " c'mon sir can't you see this is upsetting to her she is the victim she deserves comfort" steve pleaded to the officer. " sorry steve its protocol" he said . Steve looked back at me but by now i had realized i was alone as usual so i put my walls back up i became empty again bottling up everything face going blank. Steve saw this and sadness flashed across his face he knew exactly what i was doing. " its okay (y/n) i will be right outside if you need a break okay" he said giving me a quick hug before he walked to the door.

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