Chapter 20 preperation

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It was 11:00 am the next day and the team minus y/n and Natasha were all assembled.

" okay so we agreed on a press conference and a date but we need to figure what we are going to say and who is going to say it." Steve said standing at the front of the room.

" well I think myself and y/n should definitely say something about Natasha that is of course if y/n is uo to it." Clint said leaning back in his chair.

" Bird man is right, also I think You and I should go up and talk about how this will affect the team and what we are doing to sort if the changes this will cause." Tony said looking directly at Steve.

" okay so you and I will write a speech and Clint and potentially y/n will write a speech." Steve said nodding to Tony and clint." Is that okay or would anyone like to add anything maybe have their own thing they want to adress at the conference." Steve sais looking around.

" well Natasha kinda outted me And I wanna adress it because the only people who knew were you guys and now kids at school are asking questions and my friends are leaving me because they are mad I didn't tell them." Peter said taking a breath. " she really just made a mess." Peter sighed and leaned back in his chair. Wade grabbed his hand and comforted him wiping away his tears.

" Of course Pete we will be there to support you through the whole thing, plus It's college you will meet so many new people who will love and support you." Steve said.

After they ended the meeting with a grouo hig and headed their separate ways. Wade and Peter went back to Peter's room to talk. Wanda and Clint went to go think of Ideas for the speech. The group had agreeded Wanda would fill in for y/n if she wasn't uo to it. Tony and bruce went back to the lab. Mariah went to see fury and sam went to go seem storm. Currently Steve and Bucky were packing uo and talking.


I just got released from the medical bay early because I improved quickly and better than expected. I had also started taking some meds and went to my first therapy session. I liked my therapist, she was a middle aged woman named Katherine and she really listen and seemed to understand me well. I have a hard time opening up to others even Steve and Bucky. I barley told them about my past they had to watch it to know everything. But this Katherine let me tell you she has a way and I don't know what it is but she is really approachable and she make you want to tell her things.

I was sitting on the balcony smoking and waiting for Steve and Bucky to come back. I had a mini fan and a bottle of perfume with me to mask the scent of the nicotine. I still smoke, it's the only thing left from my past that I still cling to. Its the one thing I can't quit. It had been almost two weeks since my last cigarette and I was dying. I also felt fat. I had been eating three times a day for three days and I was gaining weight back. Yes I knew it was bad that I used cigarettes as a diet took but ballerinas do it all the time. I know I should be trying to put on weight again but in all honesty when I saw myself in the mirror the day I was taken to the medical bay I didn't hate how thin I was. I hadn't told anyone this yet bit even Katherine.

After a few minutes of smoking I heard the elevator open and I wuickly put out my cigarette and threw it over the Balcony. I turned the fan on high and sprayed a bunch of perfume , then I sat down again putting in my earbuds and picking up my book pretending I didn't hear the elevator. It only took about three minutes before I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I do my best to look suprised but I think Bucky may be catching on.

" hey Buck how was the meeting? Is Steve on Stress overdrive." I said trying to get things going.

" eh a little bit. Why do you have a fan out here?" He asked.

" cus something punget from the lab wafted up here and it was nasty" I said lying I felt bad but also not. This was my one thing and I wanted to leave it be.

" oh okay well Steve and I have to talk to you about the conference." He said kissing my cheek. I smiled and nodded following him inside. We got to the kitchen and Steve was sitting at the table looking stressed.

" last time we had a serious talk regarding Natasha at this table things went to shit and you almost died so lets not let that happen again." Bucky said. Steve frowned a bit at the casual forwardness if the situation but didn't say anything.

" would you like to talk about what happened with Natasha at the press conference we have set up next week. You don't have to but if you want to you can clear the air and give you point of view on what happened and squash any rumors" Steve said taking my hand in his. Bucky took both ours in his then they both looked at me. I wanted to do it but was unsure. Maybe it was a bad idea. It took me a moment then I got it.

" let me talk to Katherine about it in two days then I will let you know okay." I said calmly. They both seemed to visibly relax at my answer and I smiled. For once I wasn't making things hard.

We all crawled into bed for the first time in while and it felt good, to be all together again. I missed it but was also glad to have a break and figure some things out.


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