Chapter two a rough start

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Unless otherwise stated its always ur pov :)
If there are words between these ** those are your thoughts

You waited outside the door as bucky had instructed you too, you where listening for the words " steve ive been inlisted" and then you where supposed to go in and start.

You started to get nervous because you hadnt heard the words yet and where scared you missed them while thinking about buckys metal arm, to be honest the man scared you a little bit you didnt want to upset him so you pressed closer to the door and listened.

"Hey steve im back"

"That was fast , hey why dont you have any bags bucky"

"Uh steve i got some bad news"

"Whats wrong buck are you okay come here"

* aww so cute and supportive*

" well in my way out i got stopped by a women from the government and she started to talk to me about my skills and my work with the avengers and well"

"Its okay buck you can tell me "

" steve ive been inlisted"

*aw i feel so bad oh WAIT THAT MY QUE OH SHIT *

" wait what buck that's impossi-"

You burst through the door interupting steve (you had already taken off your jacket and left in the hallway)

" mr. Barnes you time is up we must leave now" you said in a serious tone and you walked over to the couch.

"Ah mr. Rodgers maybe i could convince you to join us aswell ?"

" wait buck ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! No offence to you general ?"

"Cherry" you replied

" no offence general cherry but my husband is obviously out of his mind "

"Oh cmon stevie lighten up this is for you, you just had a hard mission and should take a load off, mrs cherry here is very professional and wont say a word and niether will i now just sign this form and she can get started "

" i dont know buck its just not my thing no offence ms cherry"

"C'mon stevie do it for me "


" i can leave if this isnt working out"

"No stay stevie just needs a lil convincing that its what he wants and since he hasnt signed the form you can show him what he is missing"

* time to snap into character*

"Of course sergeant barnes i will do what ever it takes to recruit you and mr.rodgers"

You stepped closer to the couch and ran your hands up and down buckys thighs then up his sides and onto his shoulders you then planted your self on his lap and began the rub up and down his chest, just as he was about to reach for you you stood up and faced him. You looked over to see steve staring at you intently you also noticed his cock getting harder in his pants.

" am i convincing you mr rodgers?" You said sweetly as you walked towards him

"Ah yes ma'am general cherry"

"Sign this contract and you will be offical recruited"

You sensed some hesitation from steve so you decided to push a little harder you did need to be payed after all, you looked steve in his big blue eye and said " sign it soldier" as you undid your tie and ripped open your shirt to show off your custom lace bullet bra both men moaned in response and steve snatches the paper from your hands, he quickly scribbled his signature and threw the paper away.

As soon as he did he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to his lap you could feel his manhood tenting his grey sweatpants as you sat down and it made you excited and apparently bucky to because he moved closer. You felt up and down steve as you did to bucky and then stood up hand brushing steves cock and you moved. You walked infront of the boys and bent over to pick up the contract showing the lacy black thong you where wearing under your fishnets and skirt. You placed steves contract on the table and turned to face booth men. " now that you have been recruited it is time to start you training" you said as you dropped your skirt and stepped out of it. "Untie my boots and take them off" both men walked over and took a shoe and then slid off your fishnets. " good now take me to your bedroom and show me your super soldier stamina" bucky walked over and pulled you into a kiss then lifted you onto his hips steve went in front and opened the door to their bedroom, he got undressed fast and sat on the bed, bucky layed you down and put you between steves legs. Then you rolled over and got on all fours you crawled closer to steve and licked a stripe up his huge cock cock and then took it in your mouth you bobbed up and down as he laced his hands in your hair and guided your head. Suddenly bucky crawled onto the bed behind you and started to plant kisses up your back and then to your shoulder then neck he began to suck and kiss leaving hickeys on your neck. Steve came into your mouth and you swallowed it all after that you got up onto your knees leaning back into buckys kisses and steve arose too taking your face in his hands he began to kiss you roughly and then slide his hands down your sides then to your back where he unclasped your bra and threw it to the floor without breaking the kiss, buckys hands reached around into front and started to knead your breasts from behind casuing you to moan into steves mouth he took that opportunity and slid his tounge into your mouth aswell as slide a hand down and into your thong you where already wet from all this attention so his finger easily slid around your clit in circles making you moan loudly pressing back into buckys hard cock " time to get the show on the road" bucky said as he detached himself from you and pulled steve away to he pulled his husband into a kiss and just the sight of them makingout got you even more wet, "stevie go fuck general cherry and show her that stamina she talked about befor okay?" Bucky said as he pushed steve towards you " general you wouldnt mind if i fucked stevie here while he fucks you would ya" bucky asked " not at all sergeant" you replied as steve pulled off your thing and threw it to the side he gave his cock a few tugs before lining uo and smashing into you roughly bracing himself on his elbows which where by your face he leaned in and kissed you hard as he thrusted into you then you felt extra weight pressing down on you it was bucky entering steve the thought of it was so overwhelming you clutched the sheets and rhe weight of both men pressed down onto to you. " play with yourself cherry" bucky moan from behind steve and you did you reached down and rubbed circles into your clit which sent you over the edge screaming you came all over steves cock and he came into you bucky finished last saying " told you wearing that but plug would be worth it baby" you all colapsed you where tired and fucked out it was 2:00am the appointment had taken loger than expected due to steves hesitation. Usually you would get up right away and leave but you where so tired
* okay 5 minuets and then im outta here*
But then you drifted off the sleep tangled between the two super soldiers

Chapter 2 done! Oof im exited to write this :)

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