Chapter 25: like a toddler.

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This chapter is rlly short sorry but Don't worry I have more to come.

Tw: dark topics near the end tread carefully.

" she needs to practice more be less..nervous we need confidence." One of Tony's publicists said.

" okay calm down highschool theatre, she is doing well and she has anxiety she is never not nervous so this is the best she can do take what you can get."

" okay okay y/n one more time." One of Tony's lawyers Lance said. Trying to diffuse the tension in the room. I liked him he seemed nice and like he had my best interest in mind.

" okay" I sigh with a nod. We were practicing my statments. I was still mad at Bucky I was also curious about this relationship he had with Natasha . Why did no one talk about it? Did it end badly? Did it affect Steve? Does it affect me?"

" Y/N" Tony shouted waving his hands infornt of my face.

" huh" I said blinking rapidly.

" we're done for today go see Katherine your distracted." Tony said standing up and sighing.

I looked at him sadly and apologized qiuckly rushing to smoke. I have avoided Katherine for the past few days after I exploded and left. I was a little scared to go back but also embarrassed I acted like a three year old and I'm a grown woman. " jesus" I whispered to myself and took another drag. Right now was just really stressful. I had the press on my ass about Bucky, I had just Bucky in general, I had the trial of Natasha coming up. I had prep for that trial. I also had had to deal with not going to therapy anymore even though I'm supposed to be and I'm trying to quit smoking but ontop of that I was trying to get a job. Its too much everything is. I need a break just a moment for me to be alone and relax.

"Y/n ? Oh I was just looking you. You have missed a few sessions is everything okay" Katherine said scaring the shit out of me. I jumped and dropped my cigarette in the process it burned into my arm as it fell.

" jesus fucking christ!" I whisper swore. My arm had a raging red mark on it that was basically my fried flesh.

" oh my I'm so sorry here lets go to my office and get a bandaid." Katherine said. She guided me to her office and I sat down. She touched my leg to support her weight as she crouched down and I flinched at the contact." sorry" I said quitely feeling guilty she was just trying to help. She just smiled at me and slowed her movements making sure I could see what she was doing. She cleaned me up and I sat back in my chair. I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it conflicted.

" what is it y/n" katheine said looking at me. She must have seen.

" I'm just I'm sorry everything is allot right now And I stormed out like a three year old and I feel bad." I said.

" oh hon it's fine. Thats my job is to help you when you explode. Thats just how you cope when things get to much. You leave you walk away and remove yourself to think things through. Thats good but what isn't good is when you do figure things out but become to afraid to voice them."

" yea...I just I need a break from everything for just a few minutes. Nobody bothering me but I can leave knowing everything is okay." I said

" try and meditate tonight in the garden instead if smoking. That way you can be stress free and kill two birds with one stone." Katherine said.

" oh wow yea thats thats a great idea thank you." I said.

" umm I have a question." I stated staring at Katherine.

" go ahead hon."

" what happened between Bucky and Nat I know you can't reveal confidencial information but it's really eating away at me."

" well you're in luck it's not confidential at all actually it's all over the internet."

" oh"

" yeah but I can tell you the short version if you like."

" please."

" while Bucky was the winter soldier hydra involved him in the redroom helping training young agents. He met miss Romanoff and they started a relationship that didn't end well. They were torn appart and didn't see eachother for years. Untill Bucky resurfaced and and went with Steve. She was bitter and tried to get them back together but it didn't workout. She caused a bit of drama when they started dating too. It seems to be a common theme with her, when Bucky finds a new partner she tries to drive them away.

" wow really I-I had no idea." I said taken back. How did I not know any of this? Actually I was poor thats how. " what did ahe do to Steve?"

" mind games are her favourite but because you aren't a super soldier like Steve she decided to throw physical abuse in the mix too I guess."

" how did Clint still stay with her after that!?"

" that my dear I can't tell you. But I hope what I could say was helpful."

" it really was, thanks." I said as I left.

That night instead if the garden I went to the pool on the roof. I waited untill everyone was asleep and then snuck out if bed. I climbed into the cool water and let it consume my body. I took a deep breath in and submerged myself completely. It felt nice and cool. Bring my tiered overworked body back down to a normal temperature. I came back to the surface and let myself float. I opened my eyes and stared at the green blue sky and stars. It was beautiful. I let myself get lost just dozing into a daydream with my mind blank for once. it was nice I imagined things always being like this. Easy and blank. I would never have to stress again. It would be so easy. I was on a roof. It was the easy way out and sometimes the easy way is the best way.


I woke up and rolled over expecting y/n to be tangled in my limbs trying her best to shun Bucky. But she wasn't there I sat up immediate panic rising in my throat. I quietly got out of bed and check the bathroom then living room then even the common room. Where the fuck is y/n!? I sat down and took a few breaths then raggedly asked jarvis.

" miss y/n is currently on the roof Mr.Rogers." JARVIS replied.

The roof. The fucking roof. Who let her up there. Oh my god what is she is planning to jump because everything is too much for her. At the thought of that I scrambled to my feet and dashed up the stairs to the roof to worried to wait for the elevator. I dashed through thrashing my head side to side scanning for y/n she wasn't on the ledge . My heart dropped to my stomach. I dared to look over the edge praying I wouldn't see her body lying distored on the pavement. I opened my eyes and peaked. What I saw made me sick I stumbled back into the pool.

I Think I just saw her body.

OUuUUuUu cliff hanger ;))))

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