chapter 4 , help

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TRIGGER WARNING: violence and sexual harassment / violence

you opened the door to see, Ed it was fucking Ed the creep just wouldn't leave you alone. he stood in the door was staring at you not breaking eye contact. he was trying to make you squirm and it was working.

" what do you want Ed did you not understand what I said before?" you sighed, you where so done with his shit like take a hint buddy.

"oh I heard you loud and clear , but I don't think you heard me " he said stepping closer to you.

you backed up trying move away from him. he reeked of sweat and looked so greasy ew. no. nobody wants to touch that.

" I told you to watch your back and now look at you going out dressed like that" he said eyeing you.

" listen here bu-" you began to say but where cut off by him slapping you hard across the face.


you stepped back and brought your hand to your cheek shocked by his actions. Ed was now fully in your apartment and he was mad. you opened your mouth to speak again but he slapped you again leaving a bright red mark on your cheek. * okay there bud that's it if I cant talk my way out I have no problem hitting you* you clenched you fist and swung your right arm trying to punch him. but he just grabbed your wrist and twisted it painfully bringing you to your knees, you brought your wrist into your chest and he grabbed at you groping your chest. you twisted away with a cry and tried to rip your wrist away but he had his hand on you like a vice. He grabbed your other wrist and put your hands behind your back and shoved you towards the counter. he bent you over it and you felt the cool granite against your cheek. you began to sob knowing what he was about to. your whole body was shaking. Ed slapped your ass " stop sobbing you should be grateful , you know you like it" he said tugging at the waist band of your jeans. you silently cried out of fear of being hit again.


I walked down the hallway of (y/n)'s floor and looked for her apartment number. when I got there her door was open and I could hear sobbing and yelling. I immediately rushed in to see (y/n) bent over her counter with her hands behind her back, she was sobbing and looked terrified. her clothes where all disheveled. I looked from her to see a man pressing her back down onto the counter. his pants where around his ankles and he was rapidly grinding into (y/n) with a sick look on his face. I rushed over and punched him in the face and shoved him away from her and yelling '' GET OUT OF HERE YOU SICK FREAK!'' " GO , GO, LEAVE NOW OR I'LL KILL YOU" he quickly pulled his pants up and ran out. I looked back to see that (y/n)'s wrist where still behind her back being held there by his belt. she was lying there she looked completely blank with silent tears running down her face. ran over and undid the belt realising her hands.


she slid off the counter and lied on her floor in the fetal position. my heart broke looking at her, she looked so broken and empty. I crouch down beside her and tried to place a hand on her shoulder but she flinched away with a yelp and a fresh wave of tears. " sorry I'm going to get a glass of water and a blanket for you ok" I said in a soothing tone. I got up and filled a glass with water for her. I placed it by her and said " I'm going to go get you a blanket" as soon as I walked away I dialed Steve's number and called him once I was in the other room.

" hey Steve" I said in a hushed tone

" hey Buck what's taking so long everything okay?" he asked

" um no something happened there was a situation" I said walking around (y/n)'s room looking for a blanket.

I explained what happened to Steve and he said he was on his way. I found a red knitted blanket and walked out. (y/n) was still lying on the floor but now she was shivering. I rushed over and draped the blanket over her. she flinched at first but then relaxed. she looked up at me and tried to say thanks but her throat was sore from yelling. I looked at her and said " don't worry about it." she nodded and went back to staring at the floor. a few minutes later Steve walked in.

" buck ?" he said as he entered the room.

as soon as he saw (y/n) he expression softened and he walked over to her, he sat down next to her crossing his legs. " hey it's okay it's over now and me and Buck are here now." he said as he lightly place a hand on her shoulder, she flinched but then looked up at him. he opened his arms , she crawled over rested her upper body in Steve's lap and began sobbing again. he started to stroke her hair and whisper soothing things to calm her. after a minute I walked over and sat adjacent to Steve's taking (y/n)'s legs in my lap and rubbing soothing circles on her calves. eventually she stopped sobbing and became still and quite, Steve broke the silence first saying.

" you aren't sleeping here tonight you can stay at ours and sleep with us or in the guest room which ever is more comfortable but not here okay?" he looked down at her with a stern but concerned look.

(y/n) looked up at Steve and nodded. a few minuets later she got up and grabbed a few things before we left. Steve and I helped her walk to the car and I sat in the back with her rubbing soothing circles on her back the whole ride there.

after about a twenty minute drive we arrived back at the tower.

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