Chapter 27 the trial begins

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Today was the day the trial started this morning at the courthouse in the middle if new york. The whole city was buzzing . This was the trial of the century the trial that would tear the avengers appart.

I woke up alone in bed. I looked to the bathroom and the light was off with the door open. I groaned as I sat up and streched. I turned and garbbed my phone forgetting what today was. That is untill my feed was bombarded with aritcles and picture of the up coming trial.

" fuck thats today." I whispered to myself.

" yes it is." Bucky said leaning in the door frame. His voice scared me and I dropped my phone on the ground as I jumped.

" but you're going to be fine because its shouldn't last long. We don't have to go through the whole mini trial to see of there is a big trial we just get to do it." Bucky said walking over and grabbing my phone. He placed it on the bedside table and pulled me into his arms. I giggled like a child and clung to him for dear life.

" I don't wanna wanna go today Bucky pleease." I begged him tears forming in my eyes at the thought of sitting at that stand being questioned watching as my words are twited against me and I cant do anything about it.

" you'll be just fine don't worry Lance will be there, he is that lawyer you like right the one who is nice with you and paitent?" Bucky said patting my hair. I nodded and he started swaying around the room with me in his arms. I didn't know if he was doing it on purpose or sub consciously but I didn't stop him. I would love to slip away right now and disappear into my sub space untill the trial was done. all I wanted right now was to stay in bed and pleasure my boys. I always want that but now more than ever.I guess I started to be too obvious and Bucky stopped.

" oh no no no not right now baby come back you have to be here." He help my face in his hands. I sighed and slowly came back. I hopped out of his arms and went to the kitchen.

" Steve is gone already but he said he loves and good luck." Bucky said. I smiled and blushed a little still kind of shy.

" once you finish eating go see Wanda and she will get you ready she has your clothes and makeup and whatver." Bucky said gesturing with his hands to prove his point. I smiled and nodded chomping on my cereal.


We were at the courthouse already. I was sitting at the front table beside Lance. He didn't seem nervous which was reassuring. He was organizing his papers then the judge hit is galvel and we started.

It had been almost an hour and I was finally called to the stand.

" Miss. y/n do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

" yes" I said meekly. I sworn in and it was time to go.

" y/n how do you know Natasha Romanoff?" Lance asked.

" she was appart if the avengers I knew her as the black widow and met her once I moved into the tower." I stated trying to stay calm.

" so you never came into contact with her before this?"

" no."

" why did she try to run you out of the tower?"

" I'm not sure she said that I was ruining Steve and Bucky's relationship."

" are you in a relationship with them?"

" yes all three of us."

" so you weren't ruining their relationship individually because there wasn't one it was your relationship as well?"

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