Chapter 22: conference one

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I woke up tangled in Steve and Bucky's limbs. I shifted lightly and looked at the clock 5am three hours before the conference. I knew I wouldnt be able to go back to sleep so I got up and snuck out of bed. I quickly threw on a giant hoodie and some slippers then walked through the tower to the garden. As soon as I walked outside I heard yelling and clicking. I quickly walked to the edge of the garden and looked over to see tons if press waiting at the front of the tower. Pepper and Happy were already awake and dressed. They both look stressed while they tried to control the crowd. A few minutes after watching I saw Steve and Tony appear at the front doors. While I saw watching I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I jumped back.

" jesus fucking christ" I panted out of breath on the ground. Bucky was looking down at me his hand extended for me to take.

" sorry sweetheart didn't mean to scare you" He said hoisting me up.

" it's uh it's fine I'm just a little jumpy is all its the new meds." I said a little ashamed. Bucky seemed to sense this so he pulled me in for a hug.

" what were you doing out here anyways." He asked letting me go.

" oh I was going to do some of the exercises Bruce and Katherine gave me so I would hopefully be okay today." I said lying through my teeth.

" oh okay well Wanda is waiting for you upstairs so"

" okay I'll be right up" I said waiting for Bucky to leave. Once he did I grabbed my secret stash and dashed upstairs shoving it in my purse I was using for today. The I quickly ran through the halls to Wanda's room.once I got there I burst through the door panting. Wanda didn't question it she just motioned for me to come over.

About 45 minutes later My hair and makeup was done. I got dressed ( picture above) and headed downstairs to see the rest of the team. We all met up and then split into our groups. I looked at the list and saw who went with who.

Group one
Steve , Bucky, y/n
Group two
Tony, Bruce, Pepper, Happy
Group three
Wanda , Peter, Clint, Wade.
Group four
Sam, Storm, Mariah, Fury

I sighed in relife when I saw the lists. I knew I would be with Bucky and Steve. But it was nice to see it on paper. I walked over to Bucky and Steve then we headed into our vehicle. It was a decent drive not long enough for me to think about too much but not to short that I didn't have time to prepare. I sat silently my hands in my lap. Then I felt Bucky reach over and grab my hand. I looked up uo at him and he smiled at me. It made my heart warm to know he still cared even though I was still distant he still tried. After a moment Steve grabbed my other hand and bumbed me with his shoulder. I smiled and let out a small laugh that lit up both mens faces. It had been a while since I laughed. Suddenly the car came to a halt and Steve was looking at me asking me if I was ready. I nodded and he opened the door stepping Iout. I went next and was blinded by the flashing cameras. A few seconds later Bucky came out of the car behind me and gently guided me forwards.

" it's ok you'll get used to it" he said with his hands on the small of my back. I nodded and kept walking forwards. Once inside we all sat down and got our papers ready. Everyone settled down and Steve went up to speak.

" Hello everyone I want to first of all thank you all for coming here today and letting us clear the air. We will start with Tony and I's speech then move along to questions. Tomorrow Clint, Y/n, and Peter will all be coming up to speak then we will answer questions again. So let us begin." Steve finished moving to the side for Tony.

Tony walked up to the microphone and gave his classic smirk. " thanks Cap why don't you start us off" he said stepping back. Steve nodded to him and Stepped up to the microphone.

" it has come to our attention as a team that we had a homophobic hateful member on our team who is anti lgbtqa+ I would like to state that as a team we are supporters of the lgbtqa+ community and many if us are appart of it. Because of this members actions they have been removed from the team. We would like to adress any concerns about this as well." Steve said

" you all know the person we are talking about is ms. Natasha Romanoff. She is going to be held on trial for her crimes. She is no longer associated with the avengers or sheild. We will not be holding any auditions for a new member as it is not needed the team is perfectly capable without her thank you." Tony said thrning around and leaving. Steve quickly followed him back to his own seat beside me. Ince he sat diwn he placed a hand on my thigh and I gave him a small smile trying hard not to draw any unnecessary attention. Almost immediately after Steve sat down the croup erupted in flashes if cameras and boices shouting questions.

One woman stood up and readied her pen and paper " what charges are ms. Romanoff being held under" she asked looking to Tony.

" she is being held for hate crimes against y/n, Peter parker, Steve Rogers, And Bucky Barnes. She is also being charged with harassment against y/n" Tony said.

" thank you" the woman said and the she turned to me. " so much for being out of the spotlight" I thought.

" miss y/l/n do you agree with these charges are you the one is is pressing them?" She questioned.

I leaned forward into the microphone and spoke. " Yes I do agree with the charges, I wasn't the one whole originaly wanted to charge her with them but then the incident from the video happened and I decided something needed to be done." I said sitting back.

" why didn't you want to press charges before? What did the incident from the video fo that made you decide to press charges." Another reporter asked standing up.

" well at first I thought she just disliked me and I could handle that but then I heard what she thought of all of us It became an issue." I said hoping they were done.

" why didn't it matter when you thought she just hated you why was it that it affected the whole group you became concerned." Yet another report lee asked.

" because if it was just me it doesn't matter I don't work with her I don't have to trust my life in her hands. I'm not appart of the team going out on missions. But everyone else is and if they can't trust her with thier lives how are they supposed to do their jobs. I was the one most directly targeted by her so it's my responsibility to bring it up so others can voice their own issues with her." I said now slightly annoyed. Bucky squeezed my leg under the table and the reporter sat down.  There continued to be questions some for Steve or Tony even a few for Peter about how it felt losing his motherly figure. But the question that suprised me the most was one for Bucky.

" does your past history with Ms. Romanoff have any affect in how you are handling and interperting what is going on?" The reporter asked. I looked at Steve confused and he just mouthed later to me. I listened to Bucky's answer though, hoping for some clarification.

" not at all that whole history with Ms.Romanoff was fabricated by hydra none of those feelings were my own. I have no problem cutting out a member of the team who is hatful and doesn't have the saftey of the public as a priority." Bucky said. I was confused, why has no one told me about this? Feelings fabricated by hydra? What dies that even mean? I was pulled from my thoughts by Steve discreetly pulling me up and guiding me off stage. We all got into our cars again and I sat there thinking.

" what relationship did Bucky have with Natasha?"

A/n y'all I'm so excited I finished the book all the chapters are written and ready to be published :) I'm also gunna publish twice a week now ( Monday and Friday)


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