Chapter 12: tension and release

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I Picked her up from behind and plopped her on the bed making her squeal. Then i heard Steve pull off his pants things were realling heating up and to be honest we all release.

Your pov:
You woke up and Steve and Bucky were gone. At first you thought you were dreaming, but then you felt around the bed. It was cold from where Bucky had been and you had a pillow in your arms instead of him. Once you came to this realization you shot up looking around in panic. Then after a moment you heard faint voices so you sat still and listened

It was Steve he was mad and he was, pacing? You could here a steady rhythm of foot steps 5 steps turn 5 steps turn. Then you heard another voice, It was Bucky you could tell by the soft voice he was using Steve was teally upset. When one got mad the other kept their cool and Bucky was calm so you connected the dots. You tried to strain your ears and listen but they were too far, and you were to tired to get up and see. You did have an Idea what it was about though. Probably Natasha after the events of the last week you guessed. So you sat in silence waiting for your boys.

After a while you heard foot steps, they were coming. The foot steps got closer and you shifted to you knees. Then, the door opened and you couldn't help yourself you flung yourself into Steve's arms kissing him then turning and kissing Bucky's neck. You continued to kiss Steve then you felt a need within you, you havent had your boys in weeks. The need grew and took over. You dropped your kisses to Steves neck making him moan. You continued sucking and kissing, and Steve got into in moving his hands uo and down your body landing them on your ass and giving it a squeeze. You moaned against Steve's neck and started to rub your throbbing pussy on his thigh. Thats when Bucky jumped in coming from behind you. He brushed your hair away from your neck and began to kiss you. You threw your head back tearing it from Steves mouth and moaned. You continued to try and create any friction for yourself then Bucky picked you uo and threw you down on the bed. You loved it when he did that taking controll and man handling you like you were his like he owned you. The action sent pleasure strait to your core.

You closed your eyes once you saw Bucky crawling over to you. You felt him run his hands up your thighs and to your hips then breasts. He grabbed at your breast giving a small chuckle after discovering that you had no bar on. He ran his hands over your nipples and you arched your back in pleasure. You opened your eyes when you heard the sound of clothes hitting the floor. You looked over at Steve who was fully naked and coming over to the bed. He came up behind you and lifted you into his lap while Bucky sat back on his Knees removing his shirt. You looked uo at Steve and he leaned down and kissed your mouth biting your bottom lip. He ran his hands up your body then pulled your shirt over your body breaking the kiss for only a second. He went back in and started grabbing at your chest thumbing your nipples while sucking and kissing your neck. You reached up behind you and started to turn to straddle Steve but, a cool metal arm grabbed your hip and turned you back around.

You gasped and both Steve and Bucky chuckled. Bucky let go of your hip and ran his fingers along your panties. He grabbed the waistband and slowly dragged them down your thighs leaving goosebumps behind where his fingers touched. Eventually they were off and the fabric was out of his hands Bucky attacked your thighs and clit. He dove in head first licking between your folds and and rubbing your ckit with his fingers. He moved his mouth uo and and added a finger. It had been so long that you clenched around the finger and arched your back letting out a breath of air you didn't know you were holding.

" s'tight Stevie so tight c'mere look." Bucky said looking uo and Steve than you. You closed your eyes and let your head back when Steve came up beside Bucky, and added one of his fingers too.

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