Chapter 13 the storm

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" so about Natasha-"

Your eyes shot up to meet his. Bucky was looking at you waiting for answer he had the look in his eyes that ment you couldn't lie or try to avoid talking to him. And steve looked supportive. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. You were over your anxiety you hated crying over what felt like everything, it made you feel weak and you didnt like that. You wanted to change. Be strong. Be brave.

Steve and Bucky waited for you patiently, looks of support in their eyes knowing that you had a hard time talking about things. After one last breatg you looked up at bucky and said " yes what about Natasha"

" c'mon y/n you know what we are talking about please we just need you to tell us what you want to do about it and i'm sorry but leaving it alone isn't an option she will just try to pull something again." Bucky said grabbing your hands.

You looked over to Steve for support but he just gave you a half smile and a knowing look. " fine can yo please just talk to her in a civil way and explain how you guys want me here" you paused looking at them to make sure, did they really want me here?

" yes we want you here y/n" Steve said placing a hand on your shoulder. And bucky nodded squeezing your hand.

" okay so you tell her you want me here, and that what she did was messed up and that she is just going to have to acept the fact that I'm with you guys for good." You said looking between them.

They both nodded their heads and smiled. " okay so when are we doing this" Steve said.

" okay first i said you not we, and second you decide because your the ones doing it, and I'm not bidging on that." You said looking at Bucky and pointing at him.

" fine" bucky grumbled walking past you and kissing your cheek.

Your pov:

After breakfast I got ready and put on a fresh pair of pjs. All of us were exhausted from well, last night; and we all needed to spend time with eachother and recoup. I walked into the living room and saw that only Steve was on the couch, he was lying there reading book with his whole body splayed across the couch. I walked over and crawled onto him sliding between his legs resing my head and chest on his stomach and chest wrapping my arms around him. He looked down and kissied my head before wrapping his arms around me. We just stayed there for a while peaceful but it was nagging at me where Bucky was.

" Stevie" i said tracing curcles on his biceps.

" yes darling?"

" where is Bucky?"

" I think he is either working out or getting his arm fixed by Tony, Why?"

" Just wondering it seemed to quite in here" you said with a small laugh.

Steve chuckeled and gave you another kiss before resuming reading and rubbing your back. After a while. I decided to go see Bucky he always liked to have somone around while he got his arm fixed and plus I wanted to train with him and Steve more so I wouldnt feel so helpless. I got uo and gave Steve a quick kiss and got changed into causal athletic gear. Just before leaving I gave Steve a quick goodbye and headed out the door.

I went down to Tony's lab first. I peered through the glass doors and saw nobody but bruce inside. So I went along to the gym and saw Bucky in lifting weights. I walked over to him and sat down on the brench infront of him crossing my legs and watching him. He looked up and smiled when he saw me. He finished his rep then took out his earbuds.

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