chapter 5: a new beginning

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LONG CHAPTER AHEAD 1510 WORDS EXCLUDING THIS PART. I wrote a long chapter to make up for taking so long to update. so enjoy :)

YOUR POV: *********

you felt the cars steady speed slow and eventually stop. you peered through the window and saw the avengers tower. although you had been there before, today it looked different, it was still rainy and cloudy like before but this time you could see all the beautiful architectural details because of the daylight. suddenly you where pulled from your thoughts when you felt Bucky shifting beside you. you glanced over at him and saw he was unbuckling his seatbelt and shifting to slide out of the door on the other side of the car. you turned your head back to the window. you didn't feel like moving you could still feel the dread of what happened and it made you feel like a rock was in your stomach like you where anchored to the car seat. you looked at the raindrops sliding down the window and daydreamed about what would have happened if you had tried to defend yourself more.

after what happened you felt so weak and like this was your fault. you opened the door to Ed and barley fought back after he slapped you. you also took pride in being a strong independent woman but now you felt like a fake. you let this happen to yourself and this whole situation was your fault. all he did was slap you but you where to slow, to weak to recover from the shock. and now two clients where taking pity in you and taking care of you. you felt like a burden, a faker, and a hopeless mess. a silent tear ran down your face as you continued to think about how much of a problem you where.

a few moments later Steve came around and opened the door for you, you looked up at him and tried to get out of the car but ended up falling onto the pavement. Steve quickly bent down and offered you a hand but when you tried to stand again your knees gave out and you fell again. you looked up to Steve from where you where on the ground and you could feel your lip beginning to quiver and your vision started to become blurry from the tears building up in your eyes again. Steve's expression softened but you quickly bit your lip and turned your face away from him. you where trying so hard not to cry but you broke when he crouched next to you and whispered a soft " hey hey it's okay , it's okay" and placed a light hand on your back. your whole body slumped into his causing him to fall back with an "oof" when you felt him fall you tried to move away you felt bad his pants where going to get soaked from the wet pavement. but he pulled you in and began to stroke your hair whispering " its okay to let yourself not be okay" your whole body was shaking and you where sobbing in his arms sitting in the middle of the parking lot in the rain.

Bucky came around the back with your bags but saw you guys sitting there. he glanced to Steve with concern but Steve just whispered " it's okay we will come up in a bit" and Bucky nodded giving Steve a kiss on the cheek and one on the top of your head before heading to the tower to put your stuff upstairs. you and Steve stayed huddled together on the pavement for 20 minutes before you stopped crying, 5 minutes after that he asked if you wanted to head up to the tower. you just nodded in response the thought of going inside and maybe running into people and having to explain to them what happened and how weak you where made you want to throw up.

but Steve got up and placed your hands on his shoulders and he placed his under your armpits. he basically lifted you up and then acted as your human crutch while you walked to the building. the two of you managed to make it all the way to his and Bucky's floor without running into anyone. when you got to the floor Bucky told you he put you stuff in the guest room but it was okay if you wanted to sleep with them. Steve left to have a shower and Bucky showed you around their floor and told you to help yourself to anything and to make yourself at home. after that he took you to the bathroom to show you the shower and how to use it. while he was explaining you stared to feel dizzy but didn't say anything because you felt like you lost your voice and could never speak again but you also always felt dizzy and it usually left after a minuet or so.

Bucky left and you got into the shower turning on the water and letting it spray your skin. you still felt dizzy but brushed it off. after you shampooed your hair your vision started to go blurry and you saw stars, your breath picked up and you began to panic. you gipped the wall and tried to yell for help when you started to see black spots in your vision but your voice was no where to be found. you tried to rest your head on the wall but the movement made everything go black.

BUCKYS POV: *********

I heard (y/n) start the shower so I left to go to the kitchen, I grabbed some bread and lunch meat and began to make some food for all of us. I knew (Y/N) was hungry because I saw her empty cupboards while I was looking for a glass after the incident. I felt horrible for her but I mean what she did to earn some extra cash gave me a clue about her financial issue but I never realised how bad things really where for her she looked okay when we first saw her but that was also for work. I was pulled when I heard a loud thump. it sounded like someone fell in one of the washrooms. I dropped what I was doing and walked over to the guest bathroom. I knocked on the bathroom door but got no response so I knocked again a little louder, I got no answer again so I called out " hey (y/n) you okay in there?) I waited again but still no response so I said " okay (y/n) I'm coming in just to see if your okay I will cover my eyes though okay?" I waited a moment before I entered.

when I walked in I saw (y/n) leaning over the edge of the tub unconscious with the shower curtain and shower curtain rod on-top of her. I quickly grabbed a towel and rushed over to her, I wrapped her up the slid my hand under her knees and behind her back. I carried her to the guest bed and laid her down. I quickly went back into the bathroom and shut off the shower as-well as grab some Tylenol and water. I walked back into the room and (y/n) was awake she sat up and asked " what happened?"

YOUR POV: **********

you woke up to the feeling of your head and back aching. you slowly opened your eyes and felt the soft fabric around you. you sat up more and realized your body was wrapped very loosely in a towel. you tugged the towel tighter around yourself and scanned the room quickly recognising it as the guest room. you whipped your head around when you heard someone shuffling around in the bathroom you automatically started to panic your breath picking up once again. you saw a shadow growing larger as it descended from the bathroom. you instantly calmed when you saw it was Bucky a look of relief crossed his face. you stared at him for a moment before asking him what happened.

he explained that you had passed out and he found you and brought you here. you thanked him for helping you so much in the past 24 hours as well as apologised for being such an inconvenience. he assured you it was okay and told you to get dressed and meet him and Steve in the kitchen because he made lunch.

your stomach grumbled at the mention of food you had forgotten how hungry you where. you quickly got dress in a faded blue crew neck sweater, some leggings, and fuzzy lumber jack socks ( if you don't know what I'm taking about google it) you tied your wet hair in a bun and met the two men in the kitchen.

the three of you ate together in a comfortable silence until there was a knock on the door you instantly tensed and Steve , Bucky and yourself exchanged looks but it was to late " ugh you guys are taking to long I know your in there so I'm coming in" was all you heard before the door flew open.

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