Chapter 15 this isn't good

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After jarvis read y/n stats I almost fainted. Hiw could she be so sick and we didn't even notice? Why did all the symptoms show up today?

I told Jarvis to call bruce and sat down trying to comfort y/n, she looked horrible. I looked over to Buck and he still looked shaken up about the whole hair thing. I gave him a comforting glance and looked back to y/n she shakily brought a spoonful of broth up to her mouth and swallowed. Almost 10 seconds later she got up and raced to the kitchen sink and threw up. That was all she had eaten so them she started dry heaving. Her whole body was shaking and all myself and buck could do was rub her back and offer her water. Once she lifted her head out if the sink bucky lookead at her and said.

" you okay" she looked at him in pure confusion then her eyes rolled back and she fell to the floor. I quickly dropped down to her side with bucky. We didnt move her body incase of any injury.

" Jarvis override the elevator and speed it up to the floor y/n blacked out tell bruce this is an emergency.

" I will do so Mr. Rodgers, Dr. Banner should be here in about 45 seconds."

About 45 seconds the elevator dinged open.

" Steve whats going on"

" I'm in the kitchen y/n blacked out did jarvis send tou her stats"

" yes let me see" he quickly came in and looked at y/n he checked her eyes and took a sample of the puke and the hair she lost.

" okay J A R V I S, i need an emergency stretcher and i need tou to prep the hostiptal room in the lab for y/n's arrival also speed up the elevator" bruce said he looked at me and Bucky and motioned for us to come with him. We lifted y/n gently onto the stretcher and headed to the elevator. We sped down to the lab and bruce put her into a bed and hooked her up to a machine. I talked to him and explained everything the cold shower the late sleep the weight loss the blue lips the hair everything. He nodded and told us he would have stats in about two hours.

I found bucky and told him the news.

" hey buck c'mere she is going to be okay bruce is going to have stats and a diagnosis ready in two hours okay" I said pulling him into my arms. He left wet stains from his tears on my shirt but I didnt mind.

" its like the life and personality slowly drained out of her and she just passed out"

" I know , I know and I think part of that has to do with what happened with Natasha, I think that was the last straw for her mental and physical health I mean you saw the footage of the gym and then the elevator."

" yea, well because we have to wait two hours do you think we should call the meeting about Natasha and show the footage and show what happned to y/n"

" yea I'll go set it up"

" okay and wait Steve"

" yea buck"

" I want Natasha to sit there and watch herself and see what she did to y/n and see the team disown her, I don't care if it's harsh"

" I don't either she'll be there"

Bucky nodded and I left heading back to our floor to change and grab my laptop. I got Jarvis to send out a meeting call for 15 minutes and I sent Bucky to go Get Natasha. About 15 minutes later everyone was in the conference room sitting around the table.

" so whats going on Capsicle" Tony said locking fingers with bruce. I saw Natasha look at them her face growing in disgust.

" well it has come to my attention that one of our very own team mates is , homophobic, transphobic and just over all a bad person. So I am going to play footage of last night to show you all what they think about you, and just a warning this is very hard to watch it was hard to even be there so if you need to leave there is no shame in it and then after i want to tell you and shiw you how it has effected one of our family members" I said

" ready" Bucky said everyone nodded and I played the security footage first of what Natasha did to y/n then the gym then the elevator.

I couldn't even look at it so I looked around the table. Bucky was sitting beside me clenching his jaw and fist so I reached out and grabbed his hand. Wanda was sitting in shuri's lap wiping away silent tears while shuri rubbed her back. Pepper and maria sat beside eachother holding hands and watching with sadness and disgust on their face. Wade was sitting beside peter who was crying heavily trying to wipe it on his shirt. This hurt him the most because nat was practically his aunt and he loved her so much for him to see her betray him like this hurt him deeply. Wade sat up and took peters and he looked me and I nodded he guided peter out of the room. I made a mental note to check on him later. I looked over at sam who was holding hands with storm they were both shaking their heads in disappointment. Tony was watch intently leaning forwards his eyebrows furrowed while bruce was sitting back wiping tears feom him eyes. Tonly looked back and saw bruce crying and he pulled kleenx out of his pocket and sat back with bruce pulling his head to reat on his shoulder and wrapping his hand in bruces he kissed the side ohis head and kept watching. Clint and Natasha were sitting beside eachother when they first cane in they were holding hands but now Clint had scooched away from Natasha and crossed his arms his face scrunched in anger. Vision, peirto , and thor all sat beside eachother arms crossed sadness on their faces.

The videos finished and the lights turned on, peter and wade cane back in and everyone turned their gaze to Natasha.

" okay so the first video happened when me and buck left for a mission y/n had to stay with wanda for the reat of the week because Natasha theatened to kick her out and after the video beat her, then we came home and talked to y/n she wanted to leave it alone but something had to be done so we agreed that myself and Bucky would go talk to Natasha then we did and you saw what happened I' pretty sure y/n was listening and thats why she came in and then the eleva where y/n had a mental break down leads to today, because of the threatening presence Natasha has put on y/n she is now only 98 pounds, her hair is coming out in clumps she can't eat or else she automatically throws up she passed out has a fecer of 102 but said he was freezing and her body was shaking and her mental health is not okay she has been broken lost all emotion she sat in the shower untill her lips and skin where blue and didn't even feel it. Everything that happened with Natasha built up and slowly shipped away at her but last night was the breaking point the danm burt open and now she is lying in a hospital bed being fed by a tube directly to her stomach and breathing through intubation"

I showed live footage of y/n in the hospital bed, she looked weak almost dead. Everyone is the room looked at the screen mouths gaping open. I had to look away the sight just broke my heart I grabbed a tissue and driend my eyes sitting down.

" I -I can't do it anymore you finish" I said to bucky crying into his shoulder. He ran his fingers theough my hair and kissed my head far a moment then stood up.

" so now we need to figure out what we are going to do about her" bucky said pointing at her

" kick her out" Wanda said

" I want the bitch outta here by midnight look what she did to peter" wade said

" she needs to go" peper said

"I want her out if my godanm tower" tony said

" give her the boot" pierto said

" she should be removed from the vicinity" vision said

" kick her out and release the footage from the gym along with a statement from us officaly revoking her from the team and sheild that is of course if your all okay with the public know about your realation ships and Steve and Buck if your comfortable we can relase the footage of what ahe did to y/n while she you guys were away and picture if her from the hospital" clint said standing and moving Away from Natasha

" Clint how could say that you love me!" Natasha said

" no I really dont not anymore not after seeing the real you burn in hell" he said storming out.

" well we all know clint agrees so hands up for his idea" bucky said.

The vote was unanimous everyone wanted her gone and wanted her to crash and burn to. While discussing what to do and sending the footage to fury the live stream of y/n in the hospital came up onto the screen again there was a loud beeping and everyone rushed down to the lab.

Even though buck, y/n and myself are private about our relationship and y/n is just shy over all and hasn't bonded with anyone but Wanda really they all cared about her and wanted her to get better.

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