chapter 28: the trial continues.

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We were back in the courthouse today and it was the prosecutions turn. I sat watching intently as Natasha was speaking. I tried to make eye contact with her while she spoke but she avoided my gaze. The prosecution was trying to use my rough past against me but Lance warned me that we had a plan and that I shouldnt worry. I waited and as they finished Natasha shot me a smirk.

" Ms. L/n we call you to the stand." Natasha's lawyer called. I took a deep breath and walked over. I took my seat got sworn in and they started right away. The laywer wasted no time bringing up my past trying to make me look horrible.

" so y/n your father passed away when you were 5 is that correct."

" yes"

" then your mother became abusive around 8-9?"

" yes"

" then you became a sex worker."

" yes to help pay-"

" are you aware that your so called job is illegal."

" well yes but I-"

" and therefore when Steve ans Bucky hired you they broke the law."

" wha I-"

" so by association with You The avengers are all technically criminals which puts them at risk. Because of you"

" wait no I-"

" thank you your honour."

I had tears stinging in my eyes but I held them in and quickly wiped them from my face when I got back to lance.

" Your honour may we call a recess."

" granted" as soon and he hit down his galvel Bucky and Steve were up and sprinting to me.

" hey it's okay your okay it's our turn next to prove them wrong." Steve said rubbing my back. I just nodded and hugged him.

"right lance you have a plan." Bucky asked.

" of course you go clean up and gather yourself okay everything is under control." Lance said with a smile. He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

I got up and left with Bucky and Steve. I went into the womens room and tried to collect myself.

" it's okay it's okay Lance has a plan. everything is fine there is no need to panic what they said isn't true and I know this. Natasha is just the human version of Barbra it's fine." I fanned my face dabbed my tears and walked back out taking a deep breath. I put on a small smile and walked over to Bucky and Steve.

" you need a smoke?" Bucky asked. I was taken back by this. He is super anti me smoking.

" what?" I asked.

" you're trying to quit but you can't just go cold turkey your over worked and stressed have on just keep cutting down your amount ." Bucky said. I looked to Steve and he nodded. We walked outside over to the front if the building and leaned against the wall.

" so you said Lance has a plan any idea what that is Buck?" Steve said leaning beside me.

" nope but I trust him he is Tony's lawyer." Bucky said picking his fingers.

" He's to handsy with y/n." Steve said. My head shot up and looked up to him. So it wasn't just me.

" a little bit I didn't want to freak you guys out by saying anything though." Bucky said.

" I thought it was just Barbra talking." I said.

" Barbra?" Bucky said looking at me. Steve turning as well.

" yea Katherine said I should give my anxiety a name so when it bothers me I can tell it to fuck off its just easier to do that if it has a name hence Barbra." I said turing my head and blowing away smoke from Steves face.

" makes sense." Steve said. After that we stood in silence for a few minutes before I spoke again.

" how do you know so much about quitting smoking Bucky?"

" used to be a chain smoker back durring the war but I quit for Stevie his poor little lungs couldn't take it then he got the serum and just hated it." Bucky said.

" you ever try smoking Stevie." I asked.

" no I couldn't even handle second hand smoke let alone an actual cigarette." Steve scoffed.

" wanna try it." Bucky said. Taking the cigarette from my fingers." C'mon Stevie just two drags." Bucky said handing it to him.

" fine but this stays between us." Steve said trying it. He took in a drag and then coughed his lungs out. " Jesus christ." He said.

" well now u know how to do it try it again." I said kissing Steves cheek. He looked at me then rolled his eyes trying again. He coughed again and shoved it back to me before turning and spitting.

" oh Stevie you're to pure to pure I tell ya." I said immitating Bucky. Who just rolled his eyes and shoved me. I took one less drag then threw the cigarette to the ground and snubbed it out. I went up on my tippy toes and kissed Buckys nose and then Steves cheek.

" have some gum." Steve said handing it to me. I blushed in embarrassment and took it chewing it as we walked back to the courtroom. I loved how the boys could distract me and make me laugh even when Barbra was lurking over my shoulder. I got back into the room took my seat and Lance instantly placed his hand on my arm. He turned to look at me with soft eyes and asked,

" you feeling better now?" He asked

" yea" I said barley above a whisper as anxiety started to flood me again. Bucky and Steve's presence was gone and Barbra noticed slowly creeping back into my body making me cold.

" great because I have a secret wepon that is about to win us this case today." Lance said.

I smiled and nodded confused. What does he have? How is this supposed to end today trails are never this short. Besides the jury still had to decide and the odds looked stacked against us with a bunch if old strait guys who looked like they wanted to burn me at the stake.

" order in the court. Defense you may begin."

Lance walked up to the front and positioned himself in the middle of the room he made direct eye contact with Natasha.

" I would like to call Ed gordson to the Stand"

Only one chapter left );


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