Chapter 17 really? again!

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Your pov:

I got up off the floor and walked over to the couch. Pepper then came over and sat beside me. I didn't know if I should talk first or if she was going to so I stayed quite looking anywhere but her face. She was staring at me I could feel it but I avoided her gaze dropping my eyes and messing with the bottom hem of my hospital gown. Now that I wasn't running or asleep I was reminded of how thin the material was and how little heat it provides. My arms and legs grew cold beging to blossom with goosebumps. I also started to shake a little some of it from being cold some from not eating any soild food yet.

" that hospital gown must be freezing let me grab you a blanket" pepper said starting some sort of conversation between us.

" oh uh yea thanks" I said smiling at her she nodded her head with a smile then turned to look over by the JARVIS delivery hatch.

" JARVIS, can I get a blanket for (y/n) please"

" yes miss potts it will arrive in approximately 35 seconds"

" thank you JARVIS" pepper said. A moment later the boanket arrived and Pepper got up, she walked actoss the toom retrived the blanket and came back. Instead if just handing it to me she opened it up and drapped it over my shoulders. I looked up at her and smiled.

" thank you" I said

" your welcome now I don'tknow if Steve or Bucky told you but everyone saw the videos of what happened even the elevator" She said

" yea I didn't know about the elevator but it makes sense its just a little embarrassing that the whole team saw my mental breakdown " I said

" we are all a family so don't expect anyone to judge your or harass you about it, we may joke but we all know the limits and that would cross the line" Pepper said taking my hand in hers

" sorry to interrupt but miss Y/N Mr. Barnes is leaving his path looks like he is headed back towards the Labratory" JARVIS cut in

" okay please take my location off of private but do not inform anyone of my location unless they ask" I said.

" is it okay if I head back down to the lab I'm sure Steve and Bucky are worried" I ask pepper.

" of course it was nice talking to you" she said standing aswell.

" you too and is it okay if I take the blanket" I asked shyly not wanting to be rude.

" of course" she said. Then she walked over to the door and opened it for me, I walked out and we parted ways saying our last goodbyes. I continued down the hallways heading towards the lab. The closer I got the more scared I got. I felt like a child who ran away after they did something bad and now they have to come back and be scolded. I walked up to the glass door of the lab and they hissed opening up for me. I walked through and was immediately met by 3 pairs of eyes. At the moment I didn't know what to do or say so I walked past all 3 of them not making eye contact. Bruce gave Steve and Bucky a look and they both shrugged. I went back to the room and closed the door leaving them outside. I didn't lock the door so they where open to come in I knew they were waiting though just incase. I walked over to the hospital bed and shrugged off the blanket Pepper gave me then, I neatly pulled the covers over the bed and uo to the pillow then folding Peppers blanket and laying it across the bottom of the bed decoratively. After I finished I plopped down on the bed and waited.

A few minutes later Steve walked into the room. He didn't make eye contact with me at all, he just walked in and closed the door. He stood facing the door for minute before he sighed and sped walked over to me. He grabbed me in his arms making us fall back into the bed. After a moment I processed what happened andwrapped my arms around him. He stil stayed silent just holding me and me hilding him. I ran my hand uo his back and up to his head where I threaded my finger through his hair.

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