Chapter 29: Bye bye Barbra

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Major tw: all the stuff about Ed comes back and more like drugs ect. It gets really dark and disturbing so please be careful.

" I would like to call Ed gordson to the stand."

My face instantly fell. Tears welled in my eyes and I couldn't breath. The whole courtroom went up in chaos. Natasha's lawyer trying to get Ed taken off the stand. I briefly looked over to Natasha and she looked shaken up. This was the most scared I've ever seen her look. Fuck. Why. Why did he have to bring Ed here. No I thought I was done with Ed when I reported him to the police. I never wanted to see him again. Oh my god.

" order in the court!" " proceed." The judge yelled. Ed came walking out in an orange jumpsuit with chains around his ankles hips and waist. He was sullen and green looking like he aged a few years.

" Mr. gordson how do you know the defendant"

" she sent me to jail." He said glaring at me.

" please elaborate."

" she denied me her services so I took em myself then she freaked out and her double boyfriends cut my session short."

" can you explain services."

" she was a whore she fucked for cash and I asked she said no so I did it anyways." Ed said incriminating himself.

" so you're saying she didn't consent to sex so you forces yourself in her."

" yea I had too."

" and why is that."

" if I wanted to get payed I had to uh whats the word rape the whore."

" who was paying you to rape y/n ."

" Natasha Romanoff."

" so you Ed Gordson were payed by the prosecution Natasha Romanoff to Rape the defendant y/n for payment."

" yes."

" did she have a reason behind this."

" yea she said she saw y/n hoeing around at the tower with Bucky and Steve said she didn't like it and that It wasn't right so she followed y/n home saw the fight in the elevator said she'd pay me to go rape y/n and fuck her up making sure she never comes back to the tower."

" thank you." Lance said walking back. Ed was taken off the stand and back out of the courthouse. Lance and Natasha's lawyer were yelling at eachother and the judge was hitting his galvel. The jury was arguing with eachother. And so were the on lookers. It was all way to much to loud. I could breath. I was payed to be  raped I was hated that much. I need to go. I need to get out of here. I stood suddenly and paused just shaking then I quickly turned and started walking out. No running.


I didn't care if it was recess or not I needed to leave. I rushed past Steve and Bucky pushing my way to the doors. Bucky grabbed onto my arm but I didn't stop I dragged him out with me Steve trailing closly behind. As soon as I opened the doors my eyes were assulted with cameras. And shouts. I kept going untill I got outside. At that point I had lost Bucky and Steve but I didn't care I fell back against the wall and just cried my whole body was shaking. My body was freezing against the cool concrete but I just needed a moment for everything to stop.

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