Chapter 11: the calm before the storm

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You walked down the hall thinking as loud as you could. Its that possible? You didn't know but you tried. As you were Walking you heard voices coming from the Living room, You poked your head in and saw Bucky and Steve's faces on the screen infront of, Natasha!

" oh shit" you whispered. What the hell is she telling them.

" Yea she just left,No note or anything" Natasha said still facing the screen. You could see Steves face fall his eyes turing sad and Bucky going completely Blank no emotion shown.

" you're lying" Bucky stated firmly his eye boring into Natasha.

" I'm not James why would I lie, I never lie to you guys right Steve." Natasha said losing some of her composure.

" I don't believe you I'm going to go call her now" Bucky said, Steve silently nodding beside him.

" Good luck she left the phone you have her"

" We never bought her a phone She's always had one" Steve said looking up.

" oh well she left it."

"Bye Nat we will talk to you later."

"By guys" Nat said ending the call.

" FUCK" She yelled slamming her hands on the desk infort of her.

You were still hiding around the corner when your phone rang, Blasting the national anthem . You picked it up Quickly answered saying " hey Steve" running down the Hall to avoid Natasha.

" how are you are you okay are you hurt" you asked still running.

" he's fine and so am I but the question is Are you okay why the hell are you breathing so hard, are you running?" Bucky asked

"Wha huh" you said losing your train of thought when you saw Natasha glaring at you starting to charge down the hallway.

" (y/n) whats going on are you okay where are you Natasha said you left did you? please come back come home." Steve said sniffing a little

" no I havent left not yet but I have to by noon tomorrow and I cant say way but When you get back come get me I cant come back untill you get me or tell you why because if i do to quote " myself and my crack head mother will be shipped off the russia" you said turning the corner where you bumped into someone and dropped the phone hearing Buckys voice fade.

" (y/n)? I heard you calling out to me?" Wanda asked grabbing your hands.

" just protect me from Nat and watch" you said staring at Wanda

" okay okay its okay lets go" she said wrapping her arms around you. She encased the two of you in a scarlet bubble and fazed you through the floor, upstairs to Her room. She let go and sat you on the bed.

" okay come here" she said sitting down. You leaned forward putting your temples in her hands. She gripped your skull lightly and let out a breath. Your eyes rolled back and you felt light headed. You gave in and fell into sleep seeing flashes of what happened a half an hour ago. You could feel yourself being shaken again. You felt the burn if the light on your eyes. You could hear Natasha's cold voice demanding you leave, acusing you of breaking up the two men you loved and who loved you back. And then it was done. You were back. Awake in Wanda's grip.

"Oh (y/N) I'm so sorry, you can stay with me i will keep you safe untill Steve and Bucky come home" she said wrapping you in her arms.

" Thank you" you said trying to sound strong this wasnt a big deal you have delt with worse relax you told yourself you cant be upset this is small your fine you whispered to yourself.

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