Chapter 6: adjusting

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THRIGGER WARNING : dreams that involve violence and suicide-ish ( where the little • is is when the dream starts and there is one at the end too•)

The doir swung open and of course it was tony of all people. He walked in and when he noticed you his eyes went wide and fillied with mischief. "Ah i see your back for round to hey." He said * was he blind or was he choosing to ignor the state you where in. You where wrapped in a blanket shaking makeup smeared all over your face*

" tony" steve said in warning tone , he went to rise from his seat but bucky put a hand on his shoulder and glanced at you. Steve seemed to get the message and backed down tony looked between all of you confused he went to open his mouth again but you cut him off getting a sudden boost of confidence

" even if i was here for round too i would touch you not even for a million dollars" you said scrunching your nose at him

Ge looked you shicked and said " i have billions of dollars hun wanna rethink it i could give you enogh to live comfortably without ever having to work again" with each word he took a step closer untill he was right in your face

You felt a sudden pit in your stomach you regretted speaking up you usually kept those kinda clap backs in your head unless you where talking to Ed but look where that got you. You looked at tony and just rolled your eyes not knowing what to stay anymore " what all bark no bite what happened to the fire in your eyes my mountains of money snuff them out" tony said as he placed his finger on your chin and tilted it up.

Steve and bucky both tensed at the contact aswell as you. You stifeld a whimper trying to hold back tears * why do i ever open my mouth this is the second time youve gotten yourself in a situation like this today.

" tony that's enough leave her be" steve said looking at tou and seeing you where about to break down again

"Oh lighten up americas greatest prude im just having friendly conversation right?" He said lifting your chin up more, he looked at you expecting and answer and you didnt know this tony guy and honestly you had been hit enough today so you just stayed wuiet closing your eyes and nodding

" seriously tony are you that dense look at her she is shaking holding back tears and clenching her jaw so hard she could probably snap your finger off" bucky said walking over avoiding steves attempt to hold him back, he removed tonys hand from your face and turned to you. You just sat there blank expression staring into buckys eyes letting a single tear run down your face.

Tony seemed to get the message as he turned away to leave, steve got up to usher him out when tony snapped at him " yea yea i get it steve relax im leaving" steve just stood there jaw clenched and nodded. Tony left and closed the door behind him. As soon as the door was closed steve rushed over and engulfed you in a hug but then almost instantly unattached himself " im so sorry is it okay if i hug you" he asked you nodded he already did in the parking lot why would he ask? Bucky looked at you for a look of aprroval and you nodded. Bucky hugged you front the feont and steve from the back. The teo super soldiers seemed to notice your confusion and bucky answered your question " we asked because we didnt want to push your boundaries after what happened we didnt want you to feel trapped or uncomfortable or even briing up anxieties" you nodded and continued to stay in the embrace

You felt safe sandwitched between the men. So later that night you shyly knocked on their door at around 12:30 am asking if you could sleep with them saying if its to much trouble dont worry you would be fine but the two insisted seeing you shaking and hearing your weak voice and held back sobs. To make tou feel better bucky told you it was a king sized bed and there was plenty of room and steve opened his arms for you. You got in and instantly where warmed.

He had you in his grasp you screamed but nobody 
Answered you struggeld agaisnt him kicky and hitting untill you felt almost limp then he pulled down your pants again and you started to bang your head against the counter untill it all went black you sighed in relief thinking you where dead and it was iver but you where walking , walking fast faster down the street somone was following you. You could feel their eyes piercing through the small black dress you had on you had big heels on where were you? You felt the person getting closer but you couldnt turn your head you began to run but your heel broke and you stumbeled forwards you fell onto the concrete and tried to get uo but you started sinking into the ground and the more you struggled the faster you sank. Your eyes stung with tears and your throat was getting raw from screaming, you breath picked up and you started hyperventilating. You where kicking and thrashing untill he came and he grabbed you by yiur hair and tilted your head back, he kissed you roughly on your neck and you tried to move away but he just grabbed you harder you pretened to get into the kiss, he released your hair and you head butted him so hard you got knocked unconscious but you could still feel your body shaking.

You had woken up bith steve and bucky, they where shaking your shoulders and trying to wake you uo but you were screaming and hyperventilating bucky tried to pin you down but you thrashed even harder screaming louder crying more. Eventually you woke up exhausted and feeling light headed. Steve and bucky whispered to you trying to sooth you but you felt trapped you needed to get out. You sat up quickly and sprinted out of bed stumbling into the living room falling over you could hear steve and bucky calling after you and getting up but your legs gave out when you made it the the hallway and you where about to fall so you closed your eyes and put your hands down anticipating the impact but it never came

It didnt feel like anyone caught you but you definitely didnt hit the ground. You ooened your eyes and saw a brunette with scarlet energy coming from her hands surrounding you. You began to panic again but she sat you down and came over kneeling infront of you,

" shhh shh its okay my name is wanda i live here i am a friend of bucky and steve, i heard you scream and my powers pulled me into your dreams im so sorry i didnt mean to spy but i knew you weren't okay "

You looked up at wanda and nodded whispering a quite thank you she nodded and a warm smile spread across her face she reached out with her hand and brushed away your tears then opened her arms for a hug. You paused for a moment and she was about to drap her arms when you hugged her.

Steve and bucky came rushing into the hall whisper yelling your name, they both paused when they saw you and wanda and smiled they came over and you all talked and eventually went back to bed. You explained what happened as you layed in bed with steve and bucky and apologised for running and promised you would be out of their hair but they both reasured you

" oh (y/n) please dont feel rushed we really care about and just want you to feel safe" said steve squeezing you a little tighter

" we want you to stay for as long as you need" bucky said placing a kiss on your temple

You nodded and drifted off to sleep

Sorry for the late update and if this chapter is shitty and slow i will be updating my stucky one shots book too soon. Pls vote comment ect di whatever luv ya hope u enjoyed

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