Chapter:26 two birds one stone

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Ya'll r welcome for two chapters in one day

Tw: talking about dark and mature subjects

"STEVE what the hell!" I said as soon as I popped up from under the water.

" Y/N!" He said twisting around. He looked like he was about to cry and I was confused as to why.

"Uh yea?" I said staring at him. Steve stood in shock for a moment before he pounced on me and grapped my face connecting our lips. I automatically placed my arms around his shoulders. He pulled away and grabbed my head forcing it in his neck. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He held me and swayed in the water quitely. I didn't know what was going on but It was nice I began to feel sleepy when I felt Steve sob into my hair. I pushed back and looked at him.

" Stevie whats wrong" I asked cupping his face. He just sniffed and smiled shaking his head.

" nothing thank god." He said kissing my forehead.

" why were you up here anyways Steve you should be asleep you have a bunch press tomorrow and then the trial the next day." I said rubbing his cheek.

He sighed and looked at me before he spoke. " I thought you jumped I just I thought you really did i." Steve said.

" what! Why!?" I said confused. Was I not making progress I thought I was getting better. Of course I thought of jumping but I pushed away the thoughts quickly and replaced them with good ones of Steve and even Bucky. It was a technique Katherine taught me.

" I you weren't there when I woke up and then I couldn't find you and jarvis said you were on the roof then I looked down and I swear I thiught I saw your body." Steve said squeezing me closer to him.

" nope I'm right here see" I said kissing his lips.

"Never leave." Steve said.

" promise " I said. I hugged Steve again and we went back to swaying in the water and crying.

" what are you doing?!" Bucky asked pulling us out of our trance. Well actually just Steve. I was gone away in my sub space. It was quite and nice there I liked it. It made me feel wanted like I had a purpose instead of fucking up all the time. I just wanted to be taken care if by Steve or Bucky and please them. Do anything for them.
I couldn't really hear Bucky or Steve talking I just heard muffeled voices and felt myself being passed iver into Bucky's arms. If i was out I would be really annoyed at him still but right now I didn't care. I just wanted whatever he wanted.

I walked out to see y/n and Steve in eachothers arms crying and swaying in the pool clothed.

" what are you doing?" I asked. Only Steve responded. I don't I don't know just comforting eachother I guess." Steve said not stopping his movements. I looked to y/n and she was far gone.she had the look in her eyes glossed over and up in the clouds.

" she is gone you know in her sub space did you guys..?" I asked trailing off the end if my question. They were both dressed but hey you never know.

" no I uh I thought she jumped Bucky I thought she really snapped and finally did it and I almost died. But I fell back in the pool and almsot drowned y/n." Steve said. The thought if y/n jumping brought tears to my eyes. I nodded and gave Steve a kiss.

" can I hold her please? She won't be mad at me for right now and I miss her." I said slipping into the pool. My pj pants vacume sealed to my legs but I didn't care. I scooped y/n out of Steves arms and copied his movements. Steve gave me a kiss on the cheek and climed out of the pool.

" This is the perfect opportunity to patch things up." Steve said. I smiled at him and nodded thankfull that I had him. He left and I looked down to y/n. She was so gone eyes glazed over. He body clinging to me. I slowly walked us to the edge of the pool and then detached her from me and placed her on the edge. I slowly stroked her legs and started to bring her back.

" hey honey it's me I know your mad at me but can you please come out." I said softly. Slowly she came back and when she did she was not happy.

" where is Steve?" She said bluntly basically ignoring me.

" he went to bed baby he wanted to give us space to make up." I said keeping my hand on her thigh.

" hmm" she said staring at me. " so do it then." She said clearly out of patience and annoyed she was taken out for this.

" I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so ruff and pushy. I should have talked to you first and let you do things on your own. I just care about you...allot. I love you y/n so much and I just want you to be healthy and safe. " I finished gently taking her chin in my hand and turning her to look at me.

" I- I ugh" she sighed I saw tears well in her eyes.

" I'm sorry too I suck I just I want to be independent and I just It all allot right now and I'm not all the way out yet can we please just wait a second." Y/n said. She was overwhelmed and over stimulated. She just came out of her sub space and was now being bombarded with reality. That was the downside to it. Yes of course it's an escape and It's quite but it's also a blocker and when you come back so does reality. Thats why we never let her stay too long.

" of course baby c'mere" I said pulling her into the water again. She sucked in a giant breath as her body was submerged in the cool water again. I pulled her into a hug trying to not to be too soothing and accidentally have her slip back again. After a few minutes y/n sighed and looked up and me.

" you were an ass." She said

" I know."

" I acted like a three year old."

" yea."

" I'm sorry."

" I'm more sorry" I said looking at her.

" stop being an ass I just forgave you."

" okay." I said smiling. She kissed me and then hopped back into my arms.

" what happened between you Natasha and Steve?" She asked suddenly breaking our silence. I knew these questions would come one day I just wasn't sure when.

" she did exactly what she did to you except just mind games. She made Steve think he was insane. He had to go into a mental hospital for a while. She fucked him up so bad he couldn't tell reality from the things Nat fed in his ear." I said. I knew it may be allot but I wasn't going to hold back. Y/n deserved to know.

" I don't wanna think about it anymore, sway me like Steve did." She whined

" nu uh you aren't going back now it's too late time for bed." I said walking up the steps and out of the pool. She just whined and curled into me and the cool night air hit us.

" why were you up here anyways? You uh you um you weren't actually coming her to jump were you?" I asked cautiously.

" no I came here to kill two birds with one stone." She said and curled into me falling asleep with her head on my shoulder.

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