Chapter 14 after math

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The next moring I woke up under the covers alone with the sun shining in my eyes. I curled into the duvet and groaned rolling away from the sun. I heard the door open and a few moments later the bed dipped beside me. I didnt move or make a sound I was so emotionally drained and tired and done that I just wanted to be alone even though it wasn't the best thing for me. I heard another set of foot steps walk over. They closed the blinds and sat down on the other side of the bed.

" doll " bucky whispered

" hon you gotta get up its 12:30"

" mmmm" was all I could say

Steve pulled the duvet from over my head and I rolled down covering my face trying to hide from him.

" how are you feeling doll" bucky said placing his cold metal hand on my cheek.

" jesus" I whispered from the cold contrast. I sat up and rubbed my eyes looking between him and Steve. "I'm fine" I lied

" you werent fine yesterday" Bucky said

" well I am now" I said looking at him. He didnt belive me I could see it in his eyes

" don't lie to my y/n tell us what is wrong you know we are here for you so why do you make it so hard on yourself and try to hide it when we already know" bucky said

" buck" steve said softly. He grabbed my chin and turned my head to look at him and I did dead in the eyes with no emotion. Steve looked at me and knitted his brows together in concern. He pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair.

" whats wrong"

" I said nothing I'm fine please" I said pulling myself away from him. I got up off the bed and headed to the bathroom. When I walked by Bucky he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap. He grabbed my face and made me look at him.

" whats wrong"

" NOTHING! I'm not crying I dobt have any sadness in my eyes so why are you so concerned nothing is wrong!"

" you had a mental break down in the elevator last night then became cold and hold no emotion behind your eyes you look inside doll"

" I am is that a problem I'm not a crying anxious mess anymore" I said getting up and slaming the bathroom door. I got undress and hopped into the shower. I made it as hot as I could stand and then I sat down letting the water hit my back. I felt nothing for once. For once I wasnt an walking ball of anxiety. So I enjoyed it i sat in shower for a while untilk the water ran cold. I didnt notice it though I just kept sitting there staring at ine black tile. Eventually Steve knocked on the door asking if i was alright, and when I didnt answer he got jarvice to unlock the door so he could come in. He saw me sitting on the shower floor shaking under the cold water staring off into space. He quickly walked over and shut the water off.

" y/n are you crazy your going to get hypothermia" he said wrapping me in my favourite giant fuzzy yellow towel. I couldnt even speak anymore that was how empy i felt. Steve guided me out of the shower and sat me down on the toilet while drying me off. I looked in the mirror and my lips were blue and my skin was tinted a pale blue. Steve left to go get me clothes and I slowley stood up on wobbly legs and moved to the mirror. I git close to it and looked myself more closely my eyes were dead and I had purple bags under them my lips were chapped and blue and my skin was so pale. I dropped the fuzzy towel around my body and looked into the mirror. My ribs were showing and so was my spine. The last few weeks ahd taken there toll and I didnt notice untill today and the sad part was I didnt really care.

Steve walked back in with clothes and stopped in his tracks when he saw me, he did realize hiw bad it had been either. I looked at him theough the mirror and saw tears well in his eyes. He put the clothes down.

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