Chapter 16 diagnosis and recovery

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Also talk of mental health issues and suicide in this so be warned.


I woke up in a hospital bed I looked around and tried to breath but there was something in my throat I started to panic I was choking where was I why was I all alone what Was going on! I tried to mive my arms but they pricked when I moved and i saw neededls in my arms. I hate needles they scare the sit outa me. I started panicing even more I ripped the needels out of my arms and the machines started beeping loudly I kept choking I was clawing at the tubes but My head was pund and the monitors kept beeping so loudly.

I heard may foot steps rushing towards me and I screamed out of fear and hope that somone would help me I was coughing and pulling at the tube when bucky burst in first I started crying and pulling the tube I could feel it moving and it hirt but I didnt care I needed to breath.

" y/n stop your hurting yourself wait ine second pkease wait bruce is coming please hold in dont worry"

I shook my head still panicing my eyes were blurry with tears as I kept pulling. Bucky ripped my hand away from the tube and held them there. I thought I was going to die but I heard bruce.

" everyone else wait outside the door Steve come in with me" he said he walked in the door and saw me

" oh my god okay hold on y/n your going to be just fine okay hon just stay stay still" he said lowering the bed. He unscrewed things and slowly pulled the tube out. I gaged then gasped for air starting to hyperventilate.

" shhh its okay honey please just breath in through your nose out through your mouth" Steve said rubbing my back.

" w-where am I what happened what is going on why am I in a hospital bed why does it feel like I slept for three years and why , why is everyone outside waiting for me and my head is pounding and everything is so loud because my ears aren't ringing anymore and god its so bright" I said sobbing and gasbing for air.

" hey, hey look at me look at me" bucky said taking my face in his hands.

" your okay see were all here were in the lab with bruce okay, you passed out remember"

" y-yea"

" yea so bruce took you here so you could recover, the tube was there to help you breath and I know you hate needles I'm sorry but they were interally hydrating and feeding you" he said

I nodded and gave him a hug then I shifted over and gave Steve a hug. We all layed in my hospital bed waiting for bruce to come back with a diagnosis.

" you know you really scared us" Steve said proping himself up on his elbow " you should have told us you didn't feel well"

" I know I'm sorry I just It felt like I wasnt me anymore It felt like I wasnt even alive like i was just watching myself from outside my body"

" You need to tell that to bruce when he comes by because it might help his diagnosis" bucky said

" yes and I will and i dont know what he did but it feels like i'm okay actually as healthy as I was when my dad was still alive, it feels like i've slept for three years and ate three nutritious meals a day for my whole life"
I beamed at Steve and Bucky.

They both look at me happily and gave me a hug. Then Bruce came in woth somw papers.

" oh good to see your feeling better y/n"

" yes thank you whatever you did has made me feel as healthy as when I was younger" I said smiling

" well thats good"

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