Chapter three, a big mistake

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Just in case its not clear your hooker/ stripper/ sex worker name is cherry pop ik ik its hella corny and cheesy but thats all i could think of :)


You woke with your face smushed into a very soft
pillow, somone had all the blankets over your naked body. You slowly rolled over and looked at the night stand there was a glass of water and some tylenol as well as your phone. You also saw your costume folded up nicley.

You reached over to grab your phone and looked to see 15 missed calls from you mom aswell as 30 frantic texts. You signed and answered the call

" Oh (yn) thank god why havent you answered me ive been worried sick I would've went to your place to check for you but you wont give me your adress"

" sorry ma i went out with friends last night and i ended sleeping on their couch"

" okay then whatever are you still coming to meet me today?"

"I already told ya ma i cant today I canceled 4 days ago remember?"

"Oh right" she said and then hung up.

Your mom used to be abusive to you so you ran away from home at 16 and didnt talk to her for years untill she found you and tried to reach out to you. You being naive and feling guilty let her on but she just kept asking you for money. Now you avoid meeting her at all costs and try to avaid her phone calls.

As you began to roll over a wave of panic sent through your body as you heard an unfamiliar voice in the kitchen

Tony: " c'mon  man tell me whos jacket  I found in the hall?? Huh you cheating on mr america or oh wait maybe you had a special friend for him"

Bucky: " give it a rest tony it was a friends jacket they left it in my car i went to bring it inside and dropped it "

Tony: so if i went into your room i wouldnt find a hooker lying in your bed "


Bucky " give it a rest steve is in there sleeping he is sick"

Tony: "oh well your no fun"

~steve walks through the back from a run~

Steve: oh hey buck aw are you making breakfast, oh hey tony"

Tony: " Omg Someone is in there"

Bucky: "tony NO"

You heard rushed footsteps and clammering and then the bedroom door was ripped open letting more light casuing you to cringe and hide under the covers more
Tony looked back at steve and bucky in shock who just blushed to eachother and mouthing apologise to you.

Tony: "uh well i will let you get back to whatever you where doing"

You just shrunk under the covers more trying to hide your embarrassment.

**** time skip ****

You tightened your trench coat around your body as you hopped in a cab. your body was sore and all you wanted to do was take a hot bath and wash away last nights fun and this mornings regret, you felt so dumb you never stay never. For one its a safety concern, two its akward and embarrassing the next morning. You where cut from your train if though when the cab driver stopped the car right infront of your building. You got out payed the driver and walked up the steps. Once inside you made your way over to the elevator and tried to get in key word tried. You where stopped by the resident creep . He stuck his hand out to stop you and started to laugh "another night on the job eh how much for you to come over and ya know show me your professional skills " he said raising his eyebrows suggestively " no thanks , excuse me " you replied trying to get into the elevator but he stopped you again. " you cant deny me service can you c'mon do your job earn a couple extra bucks" " no im sorry now please let me go" you said again you where starting to get mad and you had a bad temper " please im begging you c'mon (y/n)  you sighed that was it that was the last straw you gave him a chance, you looked at him strait in the eyes and said " no im sorry i have a policy against sex offenders and quite frankly you couldnt handle me i would break you in two and feed you to your dog, if you stop me again i will break more than you nose you got it " he looked at you in shock and moved out if the way, but just as the elevator doors shut he said " watch your back slut"

Once back at your apartment you but your stuff down and showered you combed through your hair and got dressed. You went to look in the cupboards for food but they where empty and you where behind on rent you sighed sat down and thought to yourself * i gotta  do more escort dates cus im so hungry* just after that your phone rang so you picked it up relived it wasnt your mom calling you for the 20th time today.

" hello?" You said

" hi is this (y/n) ?" A familiar voice said into the phone

"Uh yes it is can i help you or?" You replied nervously

" oh yea um its bucky i was calling to apologize for this morning and was wonder if stevie and i could take ya out to dinner to make up for it"

Usualy you would say no you dont want people to get attached but steve and bucky where already together and you had no food so you said " uh yea sure "

" okay great steve and i will pick you up at 7" bucky said sounding exicited "

"Okay see you then" you said hanging up the phone"

It was 6:45 and you were doing you last minute checkover in the mirror. You had straightened your hair and applied light natural makeup you also had on a pair of 60's style glasses because you used your last set of contacts last night. You turned side to sude checking your outfit you had a black lingerie tanktop on with a lace v neck and some highwaisted skinny jeans you tucked in the shirt and finished off the outfit with a pair of white heels. Just as you finished fixing your stubborn side part there was a knock on the door.

You walked over and opened it to see....

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