chapter 19: healing together

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( I'm sorry i change the pov of the story all the time but I cant help it idk how to write im dumb sorry)

Bucky pov: I sat there for at least a half an hour thinking about everything i just saw. How? How in the span of 23 years has this much bad shit happened to one innocent girl. This wasn't y/n's fault she was givin the raw end of the deal. But look at her now, she is sober and lives with us. Yea she might not be completely okay but at leat she is better? I think about seeing y/n smoke at the end of the memories. I've never seen her smoke except then, she never smells like it either so maybe she doesnt anymore? How has she quit cold turkey like that in the span of a few months though? I remember trying to quit durring the war and it was hell, but hey she is really strong. I wanna ask her about this see if she still does if it is the one addiction she cant quit or holds onto still.

My stomach grumbled loudly reminding me how hungry I was. So I got up and went to the kitchen. I walked in and saw Steve, Bruce, Tony , Wanda, and Clint all sitting around the island talking about something that seemed serious judging by Steves face.

" well when are we going to release it Steve?" Tony said impatiently.

" we cant wait to long or it will look bad" Bruce said quitely

" god just let me release it and make a statement I was the one publicly in a relationship with her so I can clarify we are done and she is gone" Clint said getting flustered.

" I cant let you take all the heat for that Clint it isnt fair" Steve said rubbing his temples

" why dont we just hild a press conference and release all of the details and answer questions all at once in one olace so we can controll what is going on" Wanada said speaking up.

Everyone turned to her with some what if a look of shock and support.

" finally a goid idea" Clint said wrapping his arm around Wanda. From what I gather he is like her father now.

" hey guys whats up?" I said walking into the kitchen.

" See Steve I told you he woukd come out after a while he just needed time like you did, its allot to take in" Wanda said getting uo and leaving. She grabbed Clints arm and pulled him away. Tony and Bruce left hand in hand getting the message to.

" meeting tomorrow at 11:00 about this Steve" Tony quickly called before ye was completely gone.

" so you guys have decided about what your going to do about Nat hey?" I said looking down.

3Rd person pov:

" yea" Steve said. There was a few minutes if akward silenece between the two. Bucky was trying so hard not to break down about y/n and Steve was trying to not bring it uo unless Bucky wanted to so they stood there, silent. Bucky shifted ready to get up and leave but Steve swiftly walked over and garbbed him into a hug. Bucky rested his face and arms on Steves chest and let out a little sob.

" just imagine that being your life. Y/n actually had to live through that not just see it Steve thats so horrible" Bucky cried

" I know I know, its okay its done now and she has moved on to a new chapter of her life, with us! We are the positive force in her life now. We are here helping her move on and get better." Steve said rubbing Bucky's back trying to make him feel better.

" about that Stevie" Bucky paued lifting his head up to look at Steve." We have to stop treating y/n like a child our child more specificly, Steve we treat her more like a little sister or daughter than we do her significant others. We have to stop that we have seen her past both of us now and we know she has a ruff past with paternal people in her life so we have to be there for her if course but as he lovers and partners in life rather than her parents or caregivers"

" hmm yea you're right Buck your so right we gotta talk to her and apologize about that."

" yea"

" you wanna go visit her and she if she is awake?" Steve asked.

" yea wait actually I need to rat i'm so hungry I missed dinner" Bucky said feeling his stomach rumble again.

" want me to make you something baby?" Steve asked kissing Bucky's cheek again.

" your the best Stevie"

" I know" Steve said with a wink.

While Steve cooked Bucky sat there and thought about before. He didn't know why but he was suddenly so determined to figure out if y/n stilled smoked or not. It was weird he never thought of it before. Maybe it's because he never saw her do it untill in the memories.

" here you go Babe" Steve said sliding a plate infornt of Bucky.

" Thanks, hey Steve have you ever seen y/n smoke?" Bucky asked still gripping onto his fascination with the subject.

" umm no I don't think so except in the memories why?"

" well I saw it too and realized we have know y/n and lived with her for a few months but how did she quit in a few months?"

" I dont know Buck maybe she was never really addicted and just started but we met her and she stopped"

" No Because she smoked more than once in the memeories but the last time she did it was almost thrown in my face like look at her doing this. Do you think Wanda was trying to tell us she still does? Or it's affecting y/n some how?" Bucky said shoveling food in his mouth.

" to be honest Buck I think your just reading into things to much" Steve said getting uo and giving him a sympathetic smile.

" maybe but probably not" Bucky thought to himself. He finished eating and put his dishes away. After that him and Steve went down to the medical bay to go visit y/n and see how she was doing.

" hey doll how ya feeling?" Bucky asked sitting down on the hospital bed beside y/n. She just shrugged her shoulder and looked to Steve who was sitting on the bed opposite if me.

" what did you have for supper?" Steve asked glancing at me. He was concerned it had been only a day but y/n was still petty drained of energy.

" nothing i'm still tube fed for now but its fine I don't really like eating anyways" y/n said leaning back.

" well you only have a week left in here and you can start walking around and doing therapy and stuff in two days" Steve said hopefully

" yea I can at least get my life back on track. And hey guys thanks for all the help you've been i'm sorry if ive been distant latley but i've done rehab twice already and I kinda get really invested in it and hermit away so sorry If i do that in the next couple days i'll try not to" she said.

" its okay we are here to support you and Steve and I talked and we realized that we have been acting more as your parents than your partner and we want to change that, we understand that we overstep sometimes and dont give you privacy and we are working on that too right Steve?"

" yes exactly we all have things we are going to work on together" he said smiling. We all went in for a group hug. It was nice it was still a little heartbreaking to feel how thin y/n was but she was getting better. Thats also when Bucky decided to see if she smelt like cigarettes she didnt right now but its probably because she is in the hospital but He decided he was going to look more into it.

A/n: hey guys sorry this is kinda a boring chapter but it is setting the stage for more to come :)

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