Chapter 10: alone

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it's only been a day since Steve and Bucky left but to you it felt like years. "how did I get this attached? I always keep it all business and then I get embarrassed once around the same time so I try to go out for lunch and then I get well *ahem* instead, that's crazy it's like I'm living in a freaking movie or something. how did I manage to fall for not one but two amazing, caring and super hot guys , and they BOTH! like me back I mean holy shit" you said talking to yourself while you paced around the kitchen.  

" that's the same thing I was wondering" Natasha said staring at you. you jumped at the sound of her voice. "ugh I'm guessing she heard all of that, great." you thought 

" I'm sorry I didn't think anyone was in here" you said hoping to move on and grab your snacks so you could go back up to the boys floor and wallow. 

" oh no it's no problem it's actually perfect, you see ( y/n ) I've been meaning to talk to you but I can never get you alone, your always with Bucky and Steve which is actually what I wanted to ask you about" she said hopping on the counter.

" oh okay um go for it I guess" you said fiddling with your hands wishing you had a Steve or Bucky's pinky finger to hold onto. 

" well se I was wondering how a trashy prostitute like yourself managed to wrap and ex assassin with PTSD, depression and anxiety and America's golden boy around your little finger in two days no less." he said  slipping off the counter

" I'm sorry ?" you said 

" oh you might not get what I mean let me add Wanda to the list then you get me now" she said 

" no I really don't " you said " Steve and Bucky hired me some unfortunate thing happened and now thy are helping me out because that is the kind of people they are and as for Wanda she has become a good friend and support system to me, I don't have anyone wrapped around my finger at all everyone willingly decide to help me out and I am thankful for that." you said staying calm, you didn't want to cause any trouble. 

" okay so your not secretly fucking Steve and Bucky behind their backs and breaking up their relationship oh and don't lie the whole building is monitored"  she basically spat at you. 

" nope"  you said grabbing your tea and snacks before leaving. 

once you got into the elevator you thought about what happened, " did you just out yourself, Bucky,and Steve? the elevator doors slid open and you walked off, you headed stair to the kitchenette and put your tea in the microwave. it had gotten cold during your conversation with Natasha. you were organizing your snacks on the counter until you heard your phone ring. is it Bucky or Steve or both! you thought rushing to the phone picking it up and not checking the caller ID. 

" hello?" you said hopeful 

" oh thank god you finally answered my calls" your mother exclaimed.

" oh hi mom yea I've just been really busy lately, so what do you need this time." you questioned annoyed that it was her and not your boys

" what do you mean what do I want, darling I just wanted to check up on you"

" Don't lie mom you call weeks in advanced to sweeten me up before you ask for money and if that's what you want the answer is no, I have none and even if I did I wouldn't give it to you, I won't help you with your drug issues" you said firmly

" oh come on hon please you don't have any extra change laying around for me? I swear I'm getting clean it just takes time I have to wean myself off it ya know smaller dosage each hit." she begged you

" no" you said and hung up. you were done she chose drugs over raising you right you refuse to help her kill herself. after you hung up she called back multiple ties leaving messages each one meaner and more desperate than the last. after she filled your voice mail she started to text you instead. you turned your phone on silent and left it in the living room t avoid the continuous buzzing while you tried to sleep. you slipped on one of Steve's hoodies and laid out one of Bucky's for tomorrow. 

it was around 3:00 am when you where woke up roughly by someone slamming the bedroom door open flashing on the lights and shaking you.  you rolled over confused and then you saw Natasha leaning over you.

" here is a box pack your shit and be out by noon tomorrow." she stated bluntly tossing the box on the bed.

" wait what! why?" you asked clearly confused, just a few days ago Bucky and Steve found you and convinced you to stay and that nobody wanted you to leave. well they lied Natasha wants you gone and its very obvious.  

" I don't like liars and you, lied to me. your a homewrecker and your splitting up Steve and Bucky. well I will not let you so get out." she said 

" wait whoa, whoa, whoa I didn't like yes I am sleeping with both Bucky and Steve but they know this is all consensual they want this." you said sitting up

" out by noon tomorrow I will remove you myself oh and don't try to go cry to Bucky and Steve because if I find hat you ever see them, call them, find them, or try to contact them in any way I will find you and your crack addict mom and ship you off the Russia got it" she said looking at you. 

you nodded and she left. you thought about what she said and you found a loophole in her terms, she said you couldn't contact Bucky or Steve but Wanda can and you can talk to her. you quickly go out of bed and snuck to Wanda's room but when you poked your head in she was gone.

" where the hell are you Wanda"  

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