Chapter 18 a hard past

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WARNING : this whole chapter contains sensitive content so please don't try tp push yourself to far also this one is really long so enjoy.

( 4204 words)


" Hey Wanda sorry to interrupt " I said sitting down in the couch beside her.

" oh hey Bucky it's no problem, whats up?"

" well I don't  know if it slipped out but Steve said you showed him all of y/n's past and well, I was wondering if you could show me as well? I promise  this isn't me being nosy y/n's mom is here and everything we just wen through is happening again and as much as I love y/n and think she is strong I don't know how much more she can take."  I pleaded to Wanda taking her hands in mine.

" okay" she sighed " come with me" Wanda Stood up and headed towards her bedroom. she walked in and lit a few candles and incents. she closed the blinds and turned off the lights leaving the room dim but the aura was calm.

" now I know you have Anxiety yourself so I tried making our environment as calm as I could but, I need you to try to stay calm." Wanda said looking at me with a serious look.

" Wan you're scaring me" I said my hands sweating and chest getting a little tight. maybe I shouldn't be doing this I thought to myself.

" I'm just warning you It's intense y/n has a very strong will and is a fighter but she's had to fight some hard fights"

" okay I'm ready" I said closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Wanda didn't answer verbally she  just placed her hands and I was pulled into what felt like a dream.

" YOU'RE A CONSTRUCTION WORKER JOHN NOT A BUISINESS MAN YOU BARLEY GRADUATED HIHSCHOOL."  a woman standing outside in a purple robe yelled. she was beautiful. she had large blond hair up in curlers with a structured face and curvy body.

" C'MON DEBBY! WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS IF I SAVE UP WE CAN LEAVE THE TRAILER PARK" a tired looking man with brown hair said. he was wearing neon construction gear that reflected the light of Debbie's cigarette.

" YOU'RE MY WIFE YOUR SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT ME!" John yelled looking desperate. But as soon as he saw his wives reaction to his words his face dropped to regret. he tried to back peddle but it was to late.

" ARE YOU KIDDING ME! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT YOUR WIFE AND YOUR FAMILY NOT INVEST OVER HALF OUR MONEY IN SOME SHITTY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY THATS 2 MONTHS AWAY FROMBEING OWNED BY THE BANK!" she yelled dropping her cigarette and stomping it out aggressively. just as John was about to speak he door to the crumbly trailer creaked open. I turned my gaze and saw a young y/n standing in the doorway barefoot in a threadbare night gown. she looked about 4-5 years old.

" daddy I can't sleep" she said squeezing her teddy bear to her chest.

" go back to bed y/n you're going to make mom mad!" a male voice whisper yelled. a moment later a scrawny brunette boy showed up behind y/n. he looked annoyed and grabbed her wrist trying to pull her back inside. but she just pulled away and ran outside and wrapped her arm around Johns leg.

" god you're both going to get us in trouble" another voice grumbled. an older boy showed up in the door way as well. he looked more like his mother while the younger boy looked like his father. y/n didn't really look like either of her parents. if you didn't see them interact you would think she  was someone else's kid.

"Brett you where supposed to be watching Toby and y/n" Debbie said annoyed again. " and you!" she said pointing to y/n making her cower behind her fathers leg. " get your ass to bed, NOW!"  She yelled the end.

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