Chapter 7: distress

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It had been a week since you had been living in the tower with steve and bucky, you really enjoyed living with them and they liked having you around. Nobody really knew about you except wanda. Tony of course saw you the one time but didnt know you where living there.

It was Saturday morning so you got up and went into the kitchen to find steve and bucky. As usual they had woken up before you and started breakfast. " wow good afternoon sleepy head" steve said poking you in the side and placing a kiss on your cheek. " oh give me a break it isnt even ten o'clock yet" you said giving him a mini shove. " its 9:55 (y/n) that's basically ten doll " bucky said looking over his shoulder from his place at the oven. " 5 minute difference" you said getting up and walking over to him to hug him from behind. As you did steve came over sandwiching you between the two of them. That was your favourite place to be between your two soldiers.

The three of you stayed like that untill Wanda came in and took a picture of you guys " aww you guys are the cutest you know" she said taking a seat at the island. " why thank you" steve said sitting beside her. After a few minutes bucky came with the food and you all sat down to eat breakfast. You noticed steve and bucky acting diffrently and made a note to ask them about it after wanda left.

Eventually you all finished, cleaned up, and chatted for a while then wanda left. Once she did you and bucky sat in thw living room together " hey um where is steve" you asked fidgeting with your thumbs picking at the sides of them like you do when your nervous. " i dont know why doll whats wrong" bucky said taking your hands in his forcing you to stop picking. " oh its mothing i just nevermind it can wait" you said " no it cant i will call stevie in here okay" he said looking at your bleeding thumbs with a knowing look. You just pulled away your hands and gave a weak smile. Maybe they didnt want you living with them anymore or maybe they hated you or thought it was weird that you loved them both and only wanted eachother you did but yourself into their relationship or maybe you were costing to much or tony found out. You where interupted from you panic spiral by steve walking in. He saw you and crouched down infront of your taking your hands stopping your picking again,Both of them had caught onto that as a sign that you were upset or anxious.

" hey doll whats wrong" steve asked sitting on the other side of you while bucky sat beside you aswell rubbing your back. " its i i just *sighs* i dont know its dumb never mind its fine you guys dont need to make a fuss over me im not even worth it" you said standing up trying to walk away, steve and bucky both pulled you down , bucky looked into your eyes " whats wrong (y/n)" he said in a serious tone the tone that always broke down your wall the tone that made it so you could never lie to him. Bucky had that effect on you, you could never like to him and steve always knew somthing was wring and always knew the right way to comfort you. " i saw you guys both fidgeting at breakfast this moring and you looked upset or somthing i dont know its been a week since ive been here and its okay if you want me to move i know im a burden i have a plan i can pick up extra shifts at the grocery store and book more clients its fine you guys dont need to feel guilty and keep me here and let me disrupt your lives" you said in one giant breath exhaling as you finished.

The two of them stared at you with blank looks before bucky stood up and walked out. You looked steve and he sighed " its okay (y/n) you did nothing wrong please just wait here i will be back in two seconds."
Steve said giving your hand a sqeeze and standing up. You nodded and you sat as still as a statue as you mind raced. After a few minutes you got up and decide to go pack a bag, you knew they wanted you gone by there respone they just didnt know how to say it so you decided to make it easier for them. You packed your bag and walked out. You made it to the elevator before you were stopped by wanda

"Hey (y/n) where are you going" she said tilting her head to the side to look at your bag.

You cleared you mind as tou spoke just in case " im going to the grocery store i dont have a purse so i just use my backpack instead" you said with a smile.

Wanda just nodded and waved as you walked away. You had called a cab while you were packing since you didnt drive here and well since you disnt even have a car. You got in and told the man your adress. He drove away from the tower and you lokked out the window and saw the building get smaller as you got farther away.

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