Thank you.

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I just saw that this story reached 50k reads!!!! That is so crazy and amazing and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all, thank you for the reads, votes and comments. I love seeing people interact with my story and really get into commenting about Ideas and their reactions to the plot, Its great! This story was an outlet for me to let out all my emotions and turn them into something positive that creates entertainment for others. I never expected it to do so well and be received so well! I'm so glad many of so you found comfort or escape in my story and I'm glad you fostered it's growth and brought it where it is today. 


So as you know I'm currently writing the prequel for this story. Unfortunately it is taking a little longer than I expected but I am still working on it. I'm currently writing a Trixya story right now ( check it out if ur in that fandom / stan that ship) Once that is complete I will be able to focus more on 2 is better than one and start being able to release chapters. With how busy I am I'm estimating that the story will be coming out around mid June, by then my exams will be done and I'll have lots of free time to write! 


3 is better than 2 (stucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now