Catch Me

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Alison's POV

Emily has been ignoring me since the day I kissed her. I mean she was the one who told me to call her when I needed anything, so I don't know what's been going on in her mind. It wasn't our first kiss, so i don't know what's so bad about it. Did I have bad breath? Nah. I brush my teeth like 5 times a day, haha.

I tried talking to her at lunch, but all she does is say the exact words 'uhuh, yeah, sounds good.' After that, I just gave up, cause she wouldn't talk to me.

Emily's POV

My life is just so complicated right now. I'm trying to avoid Alison, but I'm on the edge the cliff, and at the same time, I have to protect her from A. If someone only knows what I'm feeling right now.

After school, I called Hanna and we talked for half an hour.

{Emily} "Hey, I need seine to talk to, and you're the only person who understands me the best."

{Hanna} "Well I am a very good friend."

{Emily} "Yeah, yeah, okay."

{Hanna} "So what's up?"

{Emily} "Okay so 3 days ago, Alison and I went out to watch a movie, and when the movie was done, we were walking to my car, and she kissed me, and for the past days, I've been avoiding her, because I'm scared to get close to her again. I know what it felt when you get dumped by someone who wasn't even yours truly, and I don't want to feel the same again. Okay? I just feel like it's best to stop this as soon as possible, but I just can't because I can't help my feelings for her, she removes all the bad things that happened to me, she makes me laugh whenever I'm around her, she makes me fall for her everytime she smiles, and I love her Hanna."

{Hanna} "Okay, okay, Em just slow down! Ha ha ha. I get it, I totally get it."

{Emily} "Okay?! Hanna don't be stupid, I need advice. What do I do?"

Hanna kept silent for a good minute.

{Emily} "Hanna!?"

{Hanna} "Sorry, I was hungry. I had to get something from the fridge. Emily, as your friend, I think that you should follow your heart. People have called me stupid, because I don't use my brain. Well I do, but my brain says the same things as my heart does. So, my heart is stupid I guess. I love Caleb and that's all that matters. Would you rather be the richest woman in the world without anyone by your side, or would you rather have someone caring about you, knowing that that person will do everything for you, and just being in love with each other? Well I don't know about you, but I would rather have love. Why? Because I'm blonde and I'm stupid. And it may be the dumbest thing I choose, but at least I would have someone that loves me."

Wow Hanna sounded like she knew what she was saying. She does have a point, but it still doesn't answer my question about what I should do. I mean follow my heart? I don't even know what my damn heart is saying. All it does is make drum noises.

Here's the thing, my brain is saying 'What the hell is wrong with you Emily? Alison will never love you the way you want her to. She's straight! Don't be stupid.'

My heart? It's just sitting there like a manikin.

The doorbell rang, and I went downstairs to see who it was. I opened the door and..Oh crap. Alison.

"Emily.." She looked like she's been crying for ages. Her mascara was all messed up.

I suddenly felt this weird tingle on my heart, and it's finally saying something that actually matters, which is 'Let her in, she needs you right now.' My head interrupts 'Em, no. She's fine, she doesn't need you. Don't let her in. Remember what she did to you.'

It's like I have a dual personality, ones smart, ones stupid. Hanna's been rejected a lot, haha so I guess I'll just take her advice.

"Hey, Ali, are you okay? Come in, come in." I said in a very caring voice. I was stroking her back, hoping she would calm down, and feel better. I gestured for her to sit down on my bed, and said, "So what's wrong?"

"It's A." She started sobbing. "What, A? What did A do to you?!" I was so mad, and I just wanted to break something. "It's not me, it's..." She couldn't say what she wanted to say, because her eyes were filled with tears. "Hey, it's okay, who is it?" I said comforting her. "It's my dad!" She was crying unconditionally. "A hurt my dad! My dad had a car accident, and A was the one who hit my dad's car with a freaking truck! And I know that it was A because he sent me a text." Alison said as she showed me the text.

It said 'Ali, Ali, hanging out with Emily? Don't tell me you forgot I'm still here. So here's something to remind you.' It had a picture attached, I opened it and sure enough, it was the car of Alison's dad, and it was wrecked.

I hugged Alison as tight as I could, I felt the worst for her. First, she loses her mom, and now A's trying to take her dad, too? This has gone way to far, and I needed to do something about A. I've made my decision, I don't care if it's the wrong thing to do, but I'm willing to be here for Alison. No matter how hard it gets, that when I knew, I was making a stupid decision, but it really didn't matter because i was falling for her. I'm just waiting for her to catch me.

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