Okay? Okay.

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Alison's POV

A month later.....

"How are you feeling?" I asked Emily leaned back to her bed.

"I'm okay, you?" She asked giving me the cutest smile ever.

"I'm fine..But.. I have to ask you something." I looked into her shimmering, beautiful eyes.

"Mhm?" She says, as she sips juice out of her juice box.

"When you woke up the first time.." I started.

"Yeah I woke up, What about it?" She replies fairly quickly.

"You weren't breathing." I continued.

"What? Haha. You don't make sense." She says as she gives me a peck on my lips, giving me the sensation of a wonderful feeling.

"I mean. You were... Dead." I shot back.

She looks down and sighs. "Yeah..I was, I guess. I don't really know what happened.. It was all blurry in my vision." Emily answered.

"Hey it's okay! I'm fine Ali. Look at me! I'm alive, woohoo!" She added.

"I know!! Hahahaha. I'm just really curious of 'how' you're alive exactly. I mean the doctors said you were, you know. And when I came there, you were as cold as ice. And you just woke up, like you were fine, and whaaaat." I was rushing and stuttering too much, because I couldn't believe what happened.

"Whoa. Alison! Show down.. It's alright! I thought I was dead too. But apparently I wasn't. It was a little weird since I was having a crazy dream when all that was happening." She says.

"Dream? What dream? What exactly did you see?" I asked curiously..

"Well, i don't really know. All I remember is that I was like pulled out, like I'm rising, and then I was like flying around the hospital. It's weird I know, don't judge. Actually now that I think about it, you were there. Like you were sitting down on a chair, like talking to somebody, but no one was actually with you. And you were talking about me, I don't know. That's all I remember." She says.

"Wait what." I was confused and shocked at the same time. "So you saw me sitting down, and I was talking to, apparently no body?" It seems like she knew I was in the waiting room talking to..God. She nodded and smiled.

"Well that doesn't really explain how you raised from the dead.." I replied.

Emily looked at me with her puppy dog eyes, and her loving sweet smile. "I'm guessing god answered you prayers.." She looked away.

Umm okay..? Now that was creepy.. How did she know I was praying to god? I'm like weirded out right now.

"Spencer said she's downstairs, ima just go get her, okay?" I gave her a goodbye kiss for now. God, how i missed her lips..


"HEEEEYYY EMM! HOW ARE YOU DOING??" Spencer practically yelled those words out. Everyone, nurses, patients, looked at her. "Oh sorry, I had a little caffeine this morning, maybe like 2 or 3."

"Nah. I'm not talking to you. I'm pissed Spence if you can't tell." Emily joked.

"Whaaaat! What did I do? Come on, Em. You're alive!!! Let's celebrate!" She says a little quieter.

"I trusted you. I told you not to come." Em shoots back.

"Oh boohoo. I saved your butt. If I wasn't there, A would've killdeer the both of you." She shrieks.

"She's right. Hahaha. And for that, I want to personally thank you Spencer. You're a lifesaver." I say to her taking her and hugging her.

"Don't do that to my girlfriend. It's not good, ts not cute." Spencer looked at Em giving her a slight frown. "Okay! okay! Thank you Spencer Hastings for saving my boooootaayyyyy!!" She yells.


Emily's POV

The day after....

"Are you ready to go?" Alison asked, packing my clothes.

"Yeah, just give me one minute. I slowly walked towards her, and hugged her tight, like I've never hugged anyone before.

"Are you okay Em?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm okay. I just want you in my arms right now. You haven't been in a long time.

"I love you." She says rubbing my back.

"I love you too." I reply pulling back, smiling at her.

"Okay?" She asks.

"Okay." I nodded.

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