I'm sorry

842 47 11

Emily's POV
When Alison texted me "You either tell me or we're done" My heart suddenly skipped a beat.

I quickly drove to her house, and knocked on the door.

She had a straight face on her, and didn't even bother to say hi to me, or greet me as her girlfriend.

I understand that she's mad, but she doesn't understand that I have to do everything in my power to protect her.

"Listen.." I started.

She moved herself to the side, so that I would be able to go in. I was talking as I was walking. "I didn't cheat on you." I said.

She sat down on her living room couch. And looked at me in disbelief. "Then what is it that's so 'important' that you can't tell me?"

"Well why can't you just trust me, and stop asking questions?" I realized what I said, and looked at the ground, trying to hold my tears.

"Well I'm sorry for being concerned about my girlfriend!" Her voice started to raise.

"Alison, you know me. More than anyone in this world. And I wouldn't even do what you thought I did. Not a single bone in my body, would ever agree for me to do such a thing!" I explained to her.

"What? About you cheating? Emily, this isn't just about that! We always told each other anything! Everything! even if it was holding us back. We wouldn't lie to each other, we would always protect each other." She says, tears filling her deep, blue, oceanic eyes.

"That's the point!!!! I'm trying to protect you!!" I yell. "BY KEEPING SOMETHING FROM ME?!?" She shoot back at me.

"Yes!" that's the only thing I said.

"Emily, tell me right now." Alison sounded desperate, and serious, like she was about to do something.

I stopped, and thought.

I love Alison.
More than anyone in this damned world. I would do anything for her. Anything. I would die for her. Not once, but twice. I wouldn't second mind my feelings for her. She's everything I could have ever dreamed of. But when it comes to me and her, she's always going to be the first.
We are so close to finding who A is, and I want to know who he is, before Alison finds out. Because if she does, she can be heartbroken when she sees it's one of her friends, or family, or anyone close to her. That's why I can't tell Alison what we're doing. Because if she knows, she'll try and stop me, and say that it's too dangerous for me, and make me stay with her rather than go out and find A.
Believe me, there's nothing in this world I would rather want than be with Alison. But right now, I want her to be safe. Because I love her.

"I can't tell you." I slowly speak.

Alison started tearing up. "Well then I guess, I can't be with you either."

Alison's POV
The moment I said that, I automatically felt pain in my chest. This was the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I'm trying to hold everything together, but I just can't.
Emily's POV
Alison's words hit me like a knife drove through my chest, and into my heart.

I closed my eyes, and slightly nodded. I hear Alison, sniffling. I open my eyes, and she was kneeling down, covering her face, and crying overall. Her tears were pouring so hard, it dripped down her shirt. Alison's face was so red, she had veins popping out to the left of her forehead.

My heart hurts so bad. And in that moment, we were both balling our eyes out.

Have you ever gotten to that point where you're too hurt to even say anything? Too broken to even try.

I knelt down facing her. Took her hands from her face. And in that moment, I can't bare to see her like this.
"Alison, baby. I love you. So much. That I would die a thousand times for you. Maybe even more. But I would also live for the one I love. You. the point is. I can't leave you. I can't. Because it's gonna hurt me, and it will hurt you more."

I stopped for a second and said..

"We're trying to track down A, so he'll stop for good, and I didn't want to tell you, because if I did, I know you'll stop me, and won't let me do it. But I have to, because A's never gonna stop. You know what he's done. He killed your mom. I don't want him to do anything to hurt you ever again. Ever." I was talking too fast that I couldn't catch my breath.

Alison stood up, and looked at me with her puffy blue eyes.

"Emily, I'm so sorry." She came in and hugged me. I hugged back and held her in my arms. "I didn't know." She was mumbling. I could barely understand what she was saying. "I'm sorry."

I pulled back and said, "Hey, shhhh." As I wiped her tears from her red cheeks. "It's okay. I know baby."

"Everything's gonna be fine. You just have to trust me on this okay?" I carefully, slowly explained to her.
Alison nodded, she leaned in and kissed me. In a very long time, I've missed her sweet lips. She kissed me with passion. Both of our tears were combined together, as we held each other.

"I love you." She whispered to me.

This part was probably the most dramatic scene I wrote in this fanfic.
And I'm gonna continue writing today, If I get 20 votes, and 10 comments😊
alright guys.
Happy Saturday!! 😉

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