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Alison's POV

I got to the hospital, where my dad was confined. I didn't know what I would be coming into. I didn't know what his condition was, all I know was that he got in a car accident, and A showed me the picture of his wrecked car. And sure enough it was wrecked! I just hope he's okay. I don't want to lose him, considering that I lost mom. He and Jason are the only family I have. Jason doesn't even come home, it's like he doesn't even live here anymore. I just feel so alone! I miss my mom. I miss my dad. I miss Emily.

Pretty soon, I'm not going to be able to handle all this crap anymore. I'm done. A won. He finally succeeded to ruin my life. Maybe it's karma. After all it was my fault. I treated everyone like they were peasants. I hated the fact that I used to be a pathetic queen bee who just throws everyone around. And believe me when I say this..

I regret hurting everyone. I regret hurting my friends. Hanna, for calling her hefty Hanna and reading her about her weight. Spencer for ruining her relationship with her sister, and for what I did to Toby. Aria, for her and Ezra, and ruining her family relationship. And most of all, I regret hurting Emily. I let her think that her feelings for me were one sided, and telling her that I liked boys, and that our kisses was just for practice. I did have feelings for her. I just didn't know what they were yet. I guess I was just a but confused on what I really want. But as time flies by, I realized that I really do have feelings for her. Real ones.

I only said those things to her, so I won't lead her on. Why did I kiss her then? I have no idea. I just felt like I wanted to at one point. I was a bad person, but peoples change right? and now here I am regretting everything. I wish I could just go back time and change what I've done, but life doesn't work that way. I guess I just have to accept everything A gives me and just deal with it. Because there's really nothing I can do but to feel pain.

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