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Emily's POV
Last night, Alison and I went out to eat dinner to this fancy restaurant, then after that we went to a club. I was having too much fun to even think about getting into her purse and reading the message that she wrote the day that Spencer had her party.

Right now, I'm just laying in bed, thinking about everything. Just, everything. Maybe I should just ask Alison honestly rather than sneaking, and trying to take her phone secretly without her knowing.
I came over at Alison's and she greeted me with the warmest hug she could have ever given me. As much I want to shut up and kiss her, I had to talk to her about the Spencer thing. "Hey, we need to talk." I said without looking at her.
"What's up?" Ali asks as we both sit on her living room couch. "Listen, Abou-" She cut me off, smashing both of our lips together. I couldn't help but go with it. But I had to tell her, so I pulled away before the second kiss even happened.
I could see the hurt in Alison's face. "Em, what's wrong?" She's starts. "Did I do anything wrong?" She starts to tear up a bit. She pauses, and stares at me with her bright, blue eyes. She lift both of her eyebrows, and opens her mouth about to say something.. "Are you breaking up with me?" She asks. I quickly cut in, "no! Alison that's not it! I'm not going to break up with you! It's just that Hanna said you wrote something on your phone when you saw Toby and her you know- and I want to know what it is. Can you please tell me?"

Her tears wiped away, as her eyes grew bigger. "Nothing, it's nothing. Someone just texted me, and I answered." She gave me a 'fake' smile. I almost believed her. But I knew she was also lying. I could just tell. "Who's someone?" I added. "Lucas." She quickly said, almost like she rehearsed what she was going to say to me.

"Well what did Lucas want?" Two can play it this game. "He asked me what the Peterson homework was." She replied. And from there, I nodded.

Something hit me. I had a plan.

"Alright well, that's all I was going to ask." I laughed it off. "Do you want to spend the night at my house? Maybe like grab some dinner-pizza or sushi, your choice.." I say as I smiled like a complete idiot.


We had our dinner, she picked pizza-typical white girl.
We watched our favorite tv series, Breaking bad, we cuddled.
Then we went to bed.

{The next morning}

I woke up just in time, earlier than Alison. I slowly got up, leaving a pillow under the sheets so that Alison wouldn't think I left her side, and walked over to Alison's bag. I searched for her cellphone, and scrolled through her messages.
There was no message from Lucas. Instead I found a message from someone else.

Cece Drake.

I quickly opened the message and read it to myself.
'How's the plan going?'
And then Alison sent her a message saying,
'At Spencer's. T.A.R.N.'
What In the world does TARN mean?? Is that a code for something? If it is, I need to find out what it means. Or, it could stand for something.

Alison turned. Crap. She's waking up. I gently put her cellphone back, and returned to Alison's side. When she woke up, I was there with her, greeting me with a sweet kiss as usual.

Damn it. I hate how she has total control over me. I can never dispies her. Everything she does makes me fall for her once more. Every second of it feels like I'm falling off a cliff endlessly.

I decided to let it go for now. I mean, I deserve a break, don't I? After all, tomorrow is my birthday...


Alison's POV

Oh. My. Gosh. My baby isss turning 19 today!! Ahhh! Okay, so me and Mrs. Fields are planning her a surprise party tonight with her swim team. She's been dying to spend time with her swim friends because she doesn't see them very often since she's not on the team anymore, so it would be really nice if she got to hang out with them like a reunion. And maybe it'll change her mind, and she'll finally join the team again, since her injury is all healed. I just want her to have the time of her life.

"Alison, honey. Do you want to come with me to get the cake right now?" Mrs. Fields offered. "Yeah, sure! Just let me say bye to her." I whispered. I went upstairs, and into Emily's bedroom. "Hey babe, You're mom and I is going to grocery shop, she asked me what kind of sauce I use to make Fettuccine, so I have to come with her." I smiled. I'm trying very hard not to spill the beans.

Emily's POV

"Yeah sure. Go ahead hahahah." I sat up and gave her a goodbye kiss. "Will you be alright alone here?" Alison asked with her sweet, cute voice. "Yes baby, I'll be fine." I smiled it off. She left the room and drove with my mom.

She's so cute when she's keeping something from me. I know what they're doing, haha. Yes, they're most likely planning a surprise party for me. Apparently, I know Alison too well.

Writer's POV

As Alison and Pam were in the car, they were talking about Emily. "Emily's a very lucky girl.." Pam starts the conversation. "No, I am." Alison adds, she was blushing already. It was too easy to crack her.

Suddenly Alison's phone rings, she quickly slides the answer button. "Hello?" She says. There was a voice in the background, but it was too muffled to be heard. "Yes, we're almost here." Some more talking.. "Okay, I'm ready." She finally said, and then hangs up.

"So Alison, how wa-" Pam got cut off, when a car coming from her direction hit them viciously. The air bag punched out, hitting Alison's face. But somehow Pam's airbag did not work, so Pam hit her head on the steering wheel, leaving her unconscious. The car stumbled over and over, until they hit a tree in the sidelines. Alison forced herself out, yelling for help.

Five minutes later, the ambulance arrived and they quickly took Alison in and wrapped a blanket around her. The medics hurried to the car to see if anyone was still in there. When they found Pam, they rushingly pulled her out. Pam was a bloody mess. She had a wide cut on her head, while Alison had nothing. Wow.

They rushed and drove immediately to the closest hospital. They asked Alison questions while they take Emily's mom to the ER.

"Do you know anyone who's fairly close to Mrs. Fields? Like a family member of hers? What about you? Do you have anyone close to contact?" The police officer said. "Um, yes. E-Emily Fields. Her number is 485-367-8491." Alison was stumbling upon her words.

Emily's POV

It's been an hour, ugh. What's taking them so long?!? I'm hungry. After a minute, someone calls me. It was an unknown number, so I'm not gonna answer it. It might be A greeting me happy birthday hahah.
I waited and waited. Until I got a voicemail from the number that just called me a minute ago.
I listened to it.

'Emily Fields, your mother, Pam Fields and your friend, Alison DiLaurentis got in a car accident, and they're in the Serenity Hospital in Philly, your friend is fine. But your mother has an open wound on her head, and she's being treated in the ER. If you can, please come to this hospital to sign papers for medical needs as soon as possible.'

I panicked, my face turning red, and my stomach hurting from all the worries. I ran downstairs. grabbed my keys, and drove to Philly as fast as I possibly can.


Am I torturing you guys??😂😂
What do you think will happen?!😱
This is getting intense. Ahaha.
See if you can handle it.😏
I'm updating the next chapter Tonight.
Hang in there, and read on.
Thanks for all of the votes/comments. Can we get this to 30 votes?

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