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Alison's POV

"So how is she?" I asked Dr. Trinidad, standing up from the chair.

"It's critical. The object hit her internal liver, which can cause serious damage. And by serious, I mean she can be paralyzed for a very long time, and eventually she won't wake up. There's a very low percent that she will still walk, or talk, or even live. I'm sorry Ms. but that's life... I promise we'll do our best, but I can't assure anything." She have me a fake smile, and left.

Critical? Paralyze? Can't walk? Talk? Live? Everything that has happened to me. I lost my mother, my dad almost died. I put my friends in danger. And this was the worst one yet. It was line holding onto something that you know is already falling, but you still hope somehow.. A knows how to piss me off. He knows that I will break if Em dies. He knows how I will feel if the love of my life leaves me. It's my weakness. This is my weakness. Emily is my weakness.


{Em's hospital room}

I was sitting on the chair next to her, crying. I held her hand and interlocked them together. The room was silent, all I could hear was the machine that monitors Emily's heartbeat..

I finally got a courage to speak. I'm not sure if she can hear me or not, but.. I still wanted to.

"I don't want you to give up on me." I started. "I don't."

I paused and continued..

"You always bring out the best in me. You were always there for me, when no body else were. Em, you make me a better person.." I gave out a crooked smile, and back to sobbing.

"You're the reason why I still breath Emily. I love you so much, it hurts." I said in a very low voice.

"I know how much you're hurting right now. I understand that you would take a bullet for me, or a knife. But you have no idea what I would do, actually. I would do more than that. If I could switch places with you right now, I swear to you I would. I want you to be safe. I want you to be happy. And right now, I could see that you're not."

I'm gonna say it....

"It's okay to let go.." I stuttered, my eyes got watery after I realized what I said.

"The pain will end, and I promise you'll be safe. I don't want you to suffer."

Suddenly, the monitor beeped so loud that I think I lost my sense of hearing. I called the nurses to come check what was happening. As it was happening, the buses told me to leave the room immediately, and wait in the waiting room.

"Wait!!" I yelled. "What's happening?"

As they were pushing me out, I glanced at the monitor, and her heart rate was going down, like it was almost drawing a straight line. Which means..

They brought out a stretcher, and transferred Wm there, and they went straight to the ER.

As much as I wanted to go with her, I couldn't because there were about 10 nurses holding me back.


I was alone in the waiting room. I felt so sick. It was almost 3 am, and I still didn't go home. I couldn't. I wanted to stay. For Em.

I was almost losing so much hope, I couldn't take it anymore.

I leaned back and stared up the ceiling...

"Hey, big guy. It's me, Alison.."

"I have done stupid things in my life.. I'm sorry. I probably deserve this huh. But its hurting Emily too. And she did nothing.. I know I'm probably asking too much, and you're probably too busy saving other people's lives, but Emily, is a girl, who cares for people... She is one of a kind. I've never met a girl like her. Emily is worth saving."

"I know we're mostly breaking the bible rules, but I swear to you, I love her. And that's all that after right? Loving each other?. God, I'm so sorry.. But please don't take Emily away from me. I love her."


"Emily Fields?" Dr. Trinidad called out.

I immediately walked over to her, waiting for her to say something.

"I'm sorry..." She said rubbing my arm.

I felt a strong pain in my heart. "Can I see her?" I asked with a broken voice. She nodded and led me to the corpse of my Emily. She was still hooked up to the monitor, but she wasn't breathing.

I broke down in tears. "I'll give you a minute." She said..

"Oh Emily..." I was sobbing all over the bed.

"I love you!!! Don't leave me, please. Please, you can't do this to me!" I took her hand and interlocked them one last time.

I cried, and cried, and cried.

Until the silence was broken..

The monitor started beeping again, and her heart rate started to go up.. I called the nurses, getting their attention! "NURSE!!!" I screamed with an overwhelming flow of joy.

I looked back at Emily, and she slowly opened her eyes.. Holy Crap.

I was shocked, and amazed of what this girl can do if she really wanted it..

She moved her fingers that was still in contact with my hands.

"I-I'm h-here." She says.

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